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By popular demand, we've put together a complete cut of the interview I did with Lucien Greaves, co-founder and spokesperson of The Satanic Temple. Lucien did not show face at TST's gathering in Scottsdale, partially due to the fact that a group of self-proclaimed 'Sovereign Citizens,' recently put a $100,000 bounty on his head, but we were able to catch up with him via zoom a week after the Gathering. 

This interview was super interesting. Shout out to Lucien for hooking up press passes to the Gathering, and also recording clean audio and shooting 4K footage on his end.


- Andrew, Nic and Evan 


The Beatbox Cyclist

What gets me about non-theistic groups is, why even bother labelling yourselves as one religion/belief system or another when you are just literally ripping out the sane parts of whatever belief system, to then teach to people. If this guy wants to teach critical thinking and science to kids, there is no reason to even do it under the Satanism banner, just teach them the core teachings without all the BS of belief/religious banners.


Dude seems chill and smart


I love how the Satanic Temple is fighting for religious rights of christians and they're getting all pissy about it.


The gray faction bit was crazy, never even thought that was an issue in the psych field..


What do modern American Christians do the most when you talk to them about topics like the American Christian missionaries influence in south America during the 70s? When they were literally giving shotguns to tribal people's in exchange for their solemn pledges to be Christians so that they could wipe out the entire bloodlines of competing tribes? They'll tell you that was not legitimate representation of the Christian church

joey nighthawk

I tried to join The Satanic Temple and they rejected me because I refused to say "Hail Satan". Even after I explained and they acknowledged that Satan is a metaphor they still rejected me over that stupid reason.


oh weird, I joined on their website right now https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/join-us#join-become-form


Brilliant man. Fascinating interview. Great moves, andrew, keep it up, proud of you.


As a paying subscriber, I would be very happy if you added this video to your Youtube channel, so it can be shared and discussed further. Many spheres of topics were covered in a digestible segment that could be very educational and inspiring for some people. This interview gave me a glimmer of hope for societal progress in the US.


shit was good, throw that up on youtube


In fairness, saying "Hail Satan" for them is more of an acknowledgement of what they are about, which you said yourself, is an ideology/metaphor rather than a religion. If you don't feel comfortable with that, that is fine. But I don't think you have much right to be angry that they declined you for it. No, ill feelings. Just saying my thoughts.

Kenneth Pierce

I consider myself a non theistic Christian in every sense. I kind of had too to keep myself from going insane considering the horrifying idea that the Bible is meant to be taken literally.


Hey, thanks for uploading this full interview. That was incredibly informative and comforting.

Jonas U

I don't know how much of this is about causing a media outrage as much as it is about helping children. They picked the name "The Satan club" obviously because they knew it would rile people up. Not that they don't have the right to pick such a name - I'm just questioning whether this is really about the children.