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Hey Guys,

Here's the final installment to our D.A.R.E. series, which features an interview with the bossman himself, D.A.R.E. President Francisco Pegueros -- who witnessed the program's genesis in LA during the early 1980s, its decline in the mid 90s, and of course, it's new rebirth.

We'll also explore the sketchy methods that former LAPD Chief Daryl Gates used to procure funding for his programs, such as S.W.A.T, C.R.A.S.H., and of course, D.A.R.E, all of which were funded by a 'committee' of wealthy private stakeholders called the 'Crime Prevention Advisory Council.'

I hope you guys enjoyed this series. I am also looking for some feedback in regard to what parts we should include -- or perhaps, exclude -- for the final YouTube cut.

What parts of this series resonated? What parts did not?

Let me know.





Retro Bill doesn't need drugs, the dude is drugs


Retro bill the Jeffrey Epstein of drug prevention

Louis Dickson

That interview with Retro Bill and the president of DARE was amazing!!! This is the journalism that’s needed, great god damn work


Retro Bill is such an odd man

Joe Garro

Major props for the older D.A.R.E. gentleman's acknowledgement of Reagan and the CIA importing drugs at the same time. Also, as much as I hated D.A.R.E. as a kid, I also give them props for actually changing their curriculum and approach. Great work as always, Andrew.

Sneaky Blunders

what is happening in that clip with the helicopter at 3:10??

chandler powell

Loved this extra stuff you posted on Patreon!

Carrie Helmer

The *sigh* sound effect after marijuana is so real 😮‍💨🍃

Willow Pauly

tbh these documentaries are getting better and better man, keep it up

Daniel Lovett

A few thoughts: the description of the "new" dare activities sound pretty similar to what I did as a kid. We acted out how to "say no" and were basically coached on what to say. Not to hard to say no when you're being told to say no... Second, it's pretty telling that while Retro Bill is spending so much energy defending himself and explaining why he's so important and has changed so many lives, your journalism teacher is shrugging off the credit you're giving him. Third, I know you're trying to be nonconfrontational and find common ground (and I support that), but I can't help but wonder what some of their responses would be if you challenged them on topics like the economic causes of drug use or how they're contributing to generational trauma by feeding the prison pipeline. Fourth, Pegueros' rhetoric between 19:30 and 20:15 is troubling to me because it suggests he believes users are lost causes and that there's no possibility of recovery from addiction. A case could be made that the DARE curriculum increases the shame of users down the line and adds a barrier to them quitting. Why wouldn't you want to teach kids that they can overcome problems? Once again, that seems like it's contributing to the cycle.


Where can I get retro bills shirt?


Thank you for doing this. I went through Dare in 6th grade. I don’t have a negative nor positive experience about Dare. I’m pretty neutral. I appreciate you always digging deep into the history. I knew about Gates BUT not how Dare was funded. I’m really really troubled by that history and I’m really glad you put it out there. It really changes my whole perspective. That being said. I liked that you didn’t demonize anyone. I can demonize Gates on own for things not even related to this series. But there are people who are in Dare with good intentions. The president of Dare seemed pretty transparent to me. I may not agree with all his positions but I understand that it’s his perspective. Also Retro Bill I believe his anecdotes. He seemed genuinely. The summation of his point at the end about impacting just one person positively can create a positive web of influence. Thanks again.

Hunter Bass

Will there ever be a part 4 to the Ocean City Nights video?