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(Do not share this, it i your paid privilege.)

Edit (3/22/18): The little twirly flicks at the ends of her bangs and ponytail harkens back to 1960's Americana.  This implies purity and innocense.  Personally I imagine her as being blonde.  What color hair do you think she has?

I've been trying to get better at drawing the ripples in clothes.  I want to be able to do it from my imagination alone.  The creases are very erotic to me.  They bring out the geometry of the body.

- i v




Whoa! That's look delicious!!!


Hey, I'm still waiting for the commentary XD


Thanks for reminding me. Tomorrow is my day off, I’ll try to use that time to fill in the missing commentaries.

Michelle Harris

Man, I wish some of these other ones had multiple parts. Keep up the great work!

Michelle Harris

I'd love to see it break through her grip, then both her hands fall back behind her as she braces herself, her hips buckle and her head flings back while her eyes roll up (plus maybe some tears).


Thank you :). I would like to revist some old pics to continue them.


man! where is the rest?