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I thought it would be better to post this here rather than twitter since there are more important things going on there that needs focus. Plus this does kinda effect things on here in regards to posts.

But yesterday I got a call from my parants that my dog passed away and ...I’m still trying to process how to feel. We had since 2005 and i was a dumb 6th grader with no idea how to raise a dog but.. she made it this far so... the day was going to come and the last time i saw her, age ...took a toll on her. What really ...stings the most is that i was supposed to move back home to NC at the end of this month and...part of me wished that she could have stayed long enough for me to say goodbye but...she had a full life and she was struggling with a number of things near the end so at least she could rest easy now.

But with this and with everything else going on in the world right now,...I’m just gunna be real and say my Motivation is at a zero. But i still got bills to cover and I still wanna get Art out to you guys, i just.. dont know what. I got a lot going on in my mind right now and I’m just.. not all here. so I apologize in advance if you recently pledged.




I'm so sorry man. Take all the time you need to grieve


I'm really sorry, DB. :( *Hugs* Take as much time as you need.


My condolences, and my deepest sympathy for you, feel well soon ❤️


My condolences. Take as much time as you need to heal and recuperate. Losing a loved one is never easy.


This hits hard. I know that. Even the happiest memories become sad in these moments. You don't need to apologize. Take your time to feel better. I can only send you a hug and I hope you remember her once again with a smile soon.


I am very sorry for your loss. I'm glad that she lived a full life and that you had a long time with her. We are here to support you, not your output. Take the time that you need, and don't worry about thinking that it's taking away from grief elsewhere in the world.


I’m really sorry that happened. May she rest In peace. Take as much time as you need. *hugs*


I'm sorry for your loss, man. It's not easy when beloved companions leave our lives. Like you said, she isn't suffering anymore and she lived a good life. Just gotta let yourself grieve, and that's ok.


Pues por donde empiezo, solo soy un seguidor mas de tantos pero al igual que tu comprendo el dolor y la tristeza que es que una mascota nos deje y no solo una mascota es un ser que se convierte en parte de nuestra familia, un ser que tan solo con estar con nosotros nos puede borrar cualquier tristeza, yo en lo personal he tenido muchos cachorros a mi cuidado y los he visto llegar y tambien irse, no te dire que no duele y que se olvida porque seria mentir solo se que cada uno de mis perritos me eh preocupado por comida y cuidados al menos tu cachorra tubo la suerte de irse mayor en paz y feliz de ver el ser humano que ere y desde las alturas te va a seguir cuidando aunque tu ya no la veas, tienes un enorme talento en cada dibujo solo enfocate y sigue adelante sin olvidar que hay mucha gente que tambien ve por ti y por tu gran trabajo y espero pronto superes esa tristeza y salgas adelante y si lo lees muchas gracias por el tiempo que te tomas tu y cualquier persona TwT

Tempo Nook

The space that's left is hurtful. It always is, but your heart and your memories are better for her. Grieve and celebrate in balance, and know that she lived happy and fully :)

Hr. Seehund

Losing a pet, especially one you've had for so long, is very painful. You won't feel right for days, weeks, months, and that's understandable. I hope you'll be able to move forward and remember her life and not her death.


So sorry to hear about your loss :(