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OK long time no see guys. Sorry uh... June was a complicated month for me but HEY I'm back home with family and in a more familiar timezone again! I'm about 80% settled in, jet lag is kicking my ass and theres some equipment that i'll have replace soon.

BUT AS FOR ARTS, I'm excited to jump back into it.. But as for uploads  and streams...its gunna be a challenge.

This Boomer internet is gunna be the death of me but Imma try to switch providers as soon as I can. I could technically upload still. if I dont get timed out, but it would just be painfully slow. And for Streams.. kinda impossible... audio seems to be fine but its Chop Central after that.
But yeah hang tight guys till I set up my nest and gear and get some art flowing. 


Hr. Seehund

I'm hoping for the best!


Lordy there definitely needs a boost in the internet speed department!