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Some Bears... some Paws... or Peets, feets, whatever you wanna call em.. more of my fetishes are leaking out with this post basically. 

Boys at Play

[click here] 

OK this is sorta a Fan art/ gift art kind of thing for Tanoshi....Love his characters.. especially his bear for uh.. reasons. but yeah... just 2 guys enjoying each others company... 

Take yer Time

[click here] 

This is probably a bit dated but i kept forgetting to post it back then lol. but its basilcy a Bunch of B poses in Undies and.. nothing at all. I might revisit this.. i might now.. who knows.

Heat Wave

[click here] 

Its Fricken HOT.... everywhere...but then again the 21st was the Summer Solstice so its officially summer now and why not show that by a sweating Fat Burr asking for a cold beer lol. Also since I've been giving B footwear lately I wanted to try out socks with him.... i.... like the result....




Hell yeah dude! My redneck wolf loves socks. Socks and bears and bears in socks are love.


Agreed, i totally need to explore those two things more. also Redneck wolf with a thing for socks eh? ...that sounds a bit familiar.


That looks a lot like me on sundays lol

Voe (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 03:17:42 The poses still show those teeth so well. Teeth good <3
2017-06-25 17:38:16 The poses still show those teeth so well. Teeth good <3

The poses still show those teeth so well. Teeth good <3


I'm pretty sure we used to talk on FA. There aren't to many feet loving rednecks so that could be it too haha

Dorenrab Sildano

I'm not the only one who would touch the cold beer to his junk, am I?