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Right so here its mainly just Experimental things and also trying to build myself up to the comic I'm fixing to make for yall.

Bees are here

[click here] 

Wanted to try out more B expressions, wasn't feeling the "surprised" look but I dug the "disgruntled" and......I'm not to sure what to call the one the right....I mean.. i know what i could call it but i cant think of a substitute lol

Meet Bree

[click here]

Now Bree is basically a New Character solely for the comic I'm doing. gunna be exploring all kinds  territories with this character since they're the first Genderfluid character that put a lot of time into. I've had others before but this feels.. right...

The Docks

 [click here] 

This  was more of speed test/perspective test for my sake haha. wanted to see how fast i could compose somthing with decent perspective, shade and just... whatever hahah. took me about 45 minutes but its not.. Terrible..right? Also trying out more outfits for B. 




Perhaps that expression is allergic or disgusted? (Dependent on the context.). Everything looks pretty good.

Dorenrab Sildano

Hm, for the surprised look I recommend making his pupils smaller. Maybe floof up his hair a little? When it comes to toony stuff, a little exaggeration goes a long way, after all


B taking a little more than he's prepared for, eh? Bree is a super cutie!