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Got some more stuff to proof that I'm... just a gross bear... we're all like this i think. 

Keepin Em Warm

[click here] 

Nothing like a big warm, wet bear maw to keep your nuts warm lol. this was a little thing for a buddy of mine. It WAS a doodle but i saw potential for it and went Ham on it. 

NSFW Sketch Dump

[click here] 

[click here] 

OK so since i posted an experimental post in the previous submission I wanted to show ya guys a older version of B and how I was messing around with his design...... as you can see i didnt even try to keep it clean but it was all progressive though. some of these may look familiar to my current Stickers on Telegram. 


[click here] 

I don't know what I should take more pride in... the comic or the title that I cam up with lol! But yeah this was a gross, trashy fantasy i hardly ever visit.. i should  change that . 

Alright Guys thats about it. I hope you enjoy this set! See yall around.




Ooh you finished the trucker one, niiiiice ;)


Those truckers dough! <3 socks >_

Hr. Seehund

You're expression are just priceless, dude.


You are just stunning