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Not a whole lot to offer this week but I'm still going to spoil you guys. 

Birthday Boi

[click here] 

It was Riisago's  Birthday this week  so i just HAD to do somthing for him. you guys should totally check him out too

Tanuki's Specks

[click here] 

So I wanted to try and get get semi use to Colson's design  and even try out a thing or two with the markings, and just the eyes in general.... them eye brows though...

Sketch Dump

[click here] 

Now this I struggling with cuz i REALLY wanted to experiment with Eyes and was studying more and more Disney examples on clever way to do them. there are subtle things that i did that i took note of and I'm gunna try to get myself in the habit of doing more things like this.

ANYWAY thats it for now. I 'll see ya guys later with more stuff I hope. Take care. 



Ben Waldburger

B is legit adorable, especially in this batch

Scotch P

I honestly love how you draw big guys! You get their thiccness just right! 👌


Cute bois and handsome nuki dad ;u; YEEES! Awesome job!