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Interlude: Ur 2

Wordcount: 2500

Commissioned by Arksoul

Kurama’s homeland was a den of creeping creatures with poisoned tongues and ill intent. 

My sisters and I were targeted from the moment Hachiman left us. One and all, we were plied with positions of power within hallowed houses, wealth, and lovers. Though the Kitsune spoke with smiles and lilting tones, their eyes betrayed their true hunger. They saw each of us not only as sources of information, but prizes and assets that they can use in their favor. Each of us knows of our Chieftain’s tactics, can resist many magics, and sow destruction in the battlefield, thus each of us is offered what many Kindred merely dream of.

Perhaps, I would have lost one of my sisters, if we came here before Ylstu was reborn, but not now. After walking with Hachiman for so long, seeing more than battle with him, but also the land that he sought to create… all of the offers sent our way fell upon deaf ears, hardened hearts, and sheer contempt. 

None offered us a world as clear and equal as he proposed, where the multitude was happy, instead of the few. There were none who pushed Kindred to aspire to greater heights, to learn and work, in order to gain more than what they have been given. Finally, of course, none cared for their citizens and soldiers as much as our chieftain.

Our efforts gained us no new friends, but we sought none in this strange land, and devoted ourselves to the mission given to us by Hachiman before we parted ways. Though leaving him to be protected by strangers unsettled me, I strove to do as I was instructed, and act as his eyes and ears while he was imprisoned in this paradise for the few. Thus, I did my utmost to silently to listen to every word Kurama exchanged with her mother, while playing the part Hachiman instructed me to play. 

And, as always, I realized the brilliance and depth behind his plan the moment I committed myself to the task.

Lady Kurama spoke to her mother Kuzunoha Mai in a simple room composed of woven mats, with a plain table laden with tea before them, while they rested their legs upon simple pillows. Though the room was simple, lacking in the sickening displays of wealth that pervaded the rest of the land, it rankled my senses nonetheless, because the elder Kitsune who ruled over the misty valley rivaled her territory’s garishness in its entirety.

The Kitsune was swathed in a sea of silk, arranged in the same style as Lady Kurama. The folds of the “kimono” were lovingly imprinted with images of all the seasons. They layered upon each other, encompassing the Kindred’s body in falling leaves, spring flowers, hoarfrost, and verdant fields, save for the simple kimono that touched her skin. According to Lady Kurama the garb was not a message proclaiming that she is the land itself, and all nature can do against her is accentuate her beauty in all its cycles. 

Lady Kurama said to not let her mother’s appearance deceive us, and that it was an act.

I doubted her words, until Lady Mai spoke.

“Good grief, daughter. Nearly a year with a man and you do not have him catering to your every whim? I understand the dangers of your territory, but if you’d taken this Hikigaya as your own, you can simply return her with him and all your new prosperity.” Kuzunoha Mai’s eyes rolled, as she ceased to act elegant, with a scoff. Her gaze upon the room was cursory, as she held out her hand, and a lit, elegant pipe emitting sweet smoke was handed to her by an awaiting servant. “The smaller clans fight for the chance to speak to one. Imagine how frightened they shall be when you return with them all.”

The woman brought one leg up and cast away the overflowing silks upon her shoulders, whilst loosening the sash that held her innermost cover. Breasts bound by white bandages sat above a toned stomach covered with scars. The outermost cover, which would’ve stayed had Hachiman come, revealed a veteran’s form ready for battle once it was cast aside. I looked upon a warrior queen, much like Roseanne.

“The changes Roseanne is inflicting upon us all is eliciting whispers. The changes she’s making, even through the correct path, is unsettling all the Kindred.” Kuzunoha Mai huffed, before looking over her shoulder. One of Sayuri’s fellows came forward, steps as light as a feather, despite being clad completely in armor. An ink map of the continent, unlike all the others I’ve seen, was unfurled upon the table between mother and daughter. “From what I’ve gathered, the children of children are reforming old alliances in secret, and gathering strength—both in arms and influence—in order to challenge our dear Demon Lord’s superiority.”

“Can they challenge her?”

“Hah! Of course not. They believe themselves equal to her, since she’s doing her challenges in secret to protect herself, when she’s truly letting them hide their shame and withholding her strength.” A deep, throaty laugh left Mai’s lips, as she shook her head and tapped her smoking pipe upon the a few groupings of territories. “Lady Roseanne is kind and intelligent, but when you strip both away by rebellion, you face only a tidal wave of might and rage. She is the truest Demon Lord I’ve looked upon, and it is in the Kuzunoha’s interest to stay at her side.”

“I agree, but it’s better that such bloodshed will not come to pass.”

“Hmph, I see your husband has done more than deny you. Your youthful temper has improved. Before you left, I’m sure you’d have asked if we cannot kill all the would-be traitors before they rebelled.” The Kuzunoha matriarch sighed fondly, as she looked upon her daughter’s growth with approval, but irritation flashed upon her features and she leaned forward. “And, I bet your temper would improve more once you have a child, and have a husband who’ll stay in the house and give you a strong, large family by using what I send you, instead of giving them away as gifts.”

“Mother, we’re here to speak about what to do with the problems we have now. Problems that Hachiman has provided solutions for in a single night, since he is lucid, capable, and not addicted to sex.” Kurama scoffed in turn, and I had to glare at my nearest sister to make sure she kept her mask. Thankfully, though one of the Onimusha opposite of us gave me a nod of approval, the ruler of the land was more focused on the book upon which Kurama wrote all of Hachiman’s suggestions and ideas. “These are all only possible because he is improving and defending Ylstu, as well as acting as a leader, instead of merely being devoted entirely to pleasure.”

“Your husband is an exception best made to make more exceptions, Kurama. All of his differences to the rest of this world’s humanity will be wasted, if he simply allowed to do as he wishes. When our world’s humanity desires violence, and guards itself with hatred and lies, they become nothing more than rabid, snarling, and underhanded creatures who would do anything to be the righteous.” There was hate in Kuzunoha’s voice, but it was overshadowed by tiredness, and by her decision to reach out for the proffered book. So, though she believed in an idea which Hachiman would disagree, she was capable of both compromise and acceptance… as long as it came from a Kindred which she trusted. Still, it was a pleasant surprise. “I’ll read this tonight and give it my full consideration. Then, we can speak about granting more coin Ylstu, despite my misgivings. Your husband is swift and orderly on all his payments, but even our coffers are not infinite.”

“Thank you, mother. You will not regret trusting us.”

“I trust you, Kura, not your husband.” A heavy sigh left the old warrior’s lips, while her gaze turned to faraway lands. “He must earn that, just as your father did, before I accept him.” There was old pain in that gaze, but also a yearning for the past. Fond memories of joyful moments and glory existed alongside the pain. This woman may have been broken once, but she has rebuilt herself, and that is worthy of respect, despite the ideals she clung to. “Only then will I risk our land’s fortunes upon… his.”

With those words, Kurama stood and bowed deeply to her mother in thanks, before turning to us and gesturing for us to follow.

Mai Kuzunoha’s gaze upon her daughter was filled with love and care as she left… and there was the slightest hint of relief in her form, as she realized that her daughter was in love, instead of being manipulated and enticed.

Truly, the woman was nothing I expected.

It would have been quite the terrible route to attempt to intimidate her into accepting Hachiman’s requests, if she refused him.

Kurama sighed and languidly reclined upon a couch, as Sayuri allowed my sisters and I to enter the room. The Onimusha readily took a seat beside the Kitsune with a smile, brushing back hair that fell across her face. At the sight, I bid my sisters to find places to sit and rest within the room, which they easily achieved as the room was large, filled with many pillows, and dominated by an utterly massive bed.

Kurama sighed and addressed me, while I took a seat upon the rug at the foot of the couch she chose to use. Soft breezes and faint clicks in the shadows told me that her Kunoichi entered the room, perching themselves away from sight, and ready to hear the wishes of their mistress. 

“If it were up to mother, I’d never leave this place. Hachiman, myself, and all he’d fancy would turn my childhood bedroom into an incessant source of grandchildren, until she was ready to retire and cede power to me.” Kurama groaned while admitting the truth. A few of my sisters blushed that thought and looked upon the comfortable, massive room in a new light. As amusing the thought was, I simply nodded and bid her to continue speaking. “However, despite her best efforts, I’ve done my best to stay in Ylstu and support Hachiman, because he has not only my attention, but my loyalty.”

Kurama’s actions spoke for her. My sisters and I all knew that she intended to support Hachiman mere weeks after she arrived, as she put everything towards fulfilling the tasks set for her, and lavished him with attention whenever she was able. The packages of aphrodisiac that were never used, and given away, also guaranteed that she truly intended to be an ally instead of a figure in the shadows. 

However, for what is to come, she must convey her loyalty to Hachiman to us.

“So, I must ask you all to obey me to the letter for the duration of our stay. No matter what I ask of you, please obey my commands, because her efforts to have me return here with Hachiman will by stymied far less with your aid.” Kurama also knew her place. Despite the power and influence she could wield, which Hachiman was right to be wary of, she knew the loyalties of the Amazons and the rest of Ylstu belonged to him. How could she not know this when she felt the same way? “I ask that you at least consider me as your leader while we are here—

“Hachiman asked of us to gather information and to value that over protecting him. I believe that following his orders is best served by doing as you ask. Therefore, there is no need for you to beg, plead, nor bargain, Kurama.” A quick glance towards my sisters resulted and simple, understanding nods. Of my sisters, Hachiman’s most ardent supporters would voice complaints in private, but of that group only those who were the most understanding was amongst us now. There will be words later, as well as clarification, but there will be no dissent nor problems. Just as I hoped would be the case. “Ask of what you need, and within reason, we will do as you ask. We will not betray Hachiman’s trust, but you may spend our lives, if it will benefit our tribe.” 

“Very well, then, there is no time to waste. We must increase your worth immensely. In mother’s lands, your people have been granted much of Hachiman’s success. Though his intellect is without question, their implementation is attributed to yourselves.” I listened carefully to her Kurama’s words as she straightened herself, while smoothing her skirt. A frown crossed her features, while her brow furrowed. “Hachiman would suggest showcasing yourselves as no more than brutes, but the better, more arduous path is clear: you must all enflame the attention of those who seek you out through deeds, then show them what you truly are, and put mother’s lies to rest.”

Though I understood the basics of Kurama’s explanation, I turned to Sayuri to get a clearer understanding.

“Hachiman-dono’s worth has been put to question by Lady Mai by attributing his successes to yourselves. This can be undone by telling the truth after completing feats that cannot be ignored.” Ah, much like a returning veteran or champion, those who accomplish great deeds are heard more clearly by the entire tribe. Thus, the truth can be conveyed that Hachiman is the true strength of Ylstu can be conveyed, if we speak it. “The defense of Ylstu, its growth, and its influence is all tied to the Kindred that have reached it, or yourselves. That can change by your influence, after great deeds done.”

“We cannot stay for more than two weeks. Mother might be kind, be she is underhanded and capable when pursuing what she desires. She will undermine us, give herself reasons to make us stay, and even hold further funds hostage in exchange for… grandchildren.” Kurama cleared her throat, a blush playing upon her features for a moment, as she most likely wouldn’t dislike the last option in the slightest. I did not think less of her for being Kindred, but the thought of Hachiman’s first child coming forth due to the machinations of others threatened to raise a great rage within me. I swallowed it, but the grinding of teeth resounded through the room. “All three possibilities are unacceptable, so we must act quickly, and garner as many great deeds for you all as possible! Act for the sake of Ylstu, so that we may return home, and see it grow for the betterment of us all!”

With the result of our failure hanging over us, and what victory entailed, all that remained was the struggle for the latter. Thus, the Kunoichi came forth from the shadows and approached my sisters, while Kurama stood and approached me.

“They will go forth and achieve what they can, but to truly spread the fame of the Amazons, they require a Hero. That shall be you, therefore you will be going to Mother’s arena of battle.” Kurama’s eyes were filled with concern. She feared treating me like a slave, as a body that would entertain her and others, and that was enough for me to shake my head and place a hand on her shoulder to assuage her fears. A smile formed on her face, as a plan began to leave her lips. “Very well, then, Sayuri shall be your second, and you shall fight many champions, but I believe that you will outmatch all in your path…”

Kurama spoke, and I listened, but my thoughts wandered towards my chieftain.

Two weeks where I shall not be constantly be by his side and he shall be attended to solely by Reiser and A’Bel when they can make contact with him from the shadows. 

I can only hope that this city remains peaceful and does not devolve to rioting with him at the helm by the end of this all. 



bit too late there Ur, Hachiman is lighting a spark already

Christopher Thomas

Huh, so much like in real life, Foxy Lady Senior's views were brought about by some event in her past that caused her to think that way. Also, yeah, a bit late for that Ur.


I see a little bit unusual text style in this chapter. Good.