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CORE Threat Evaluation: Fae

Commissioned by Althero

Wordcount: 2500


The Fae are creatures composed of Light that interacted with base element of magic and took on differing forms. Many Fae of each “Court” are non-humanoid in nature with bodies resembling animals. It is speculated that many magical beasts that cannot be easily found, yet are referenced regularly in many myths, are Fae in nature. 

Due to the nature of the Fae as Creatures of Light which have been affected by magic, they subscribe to a different form understanding of magic. It is speculated that this is due to their innate existence as magic themselves, allowing them to create effects with ease that would require Sorcerers months of preparation and research. However, it’s also notable that they struggle beyond the scope of their “Court,” as their nature innately defines them in terms of attitude, abilities, and even talent. 

The Fae have a Court in correspondence with each season, starting from Spring and ending with Winter. It is postulated that they are taking small measures of Faith from Humanity through this vector, but it’s a negligible amount in most cases. Normal, Fae creatures, at the height of their power, typically on reach the High Class. There are exceptions to the rule, such as the Kings and Queens of the Courts, that reach Godlike power at the apex of their seasons, but they are never more than eight in number. It is possible that they are Pseudo-Gods, having imbibed Creation’s magic, the natural magics of the world, and somehow gathered Faith from humanity. 

However, they’re not a threat, due to the fact that most Fae live within a realm they fashioned for themselves. Though accessible to most sorcerers with aptitude in Temporal Magic, even mages with talent in Light can access the Faerie Realm. Depending on the season, as well as the hemisphere, the Faerie Realm is dominated by a different Court in accordance with the world outside. Scouts state that the Winter Court’s realm is the most hazardous, while the other three Courts are easily traversed with basic clothing and protections, despite the nature of the inhabitants. 

Threat Level:

The threat level of the Fae has risen over the last few years, due to the absence of forces that previously curtailed them. The Church played a large role in curtailing or destroying the Fae when they overstepped their bounds, especially the crueler creatures that make up the majority of the Winter Court, but the main controlling factor of the Fae that no longer exists are the various Pantheons of the world. The various gods and goddesses worshipped by humanity idly hunted and destroyed the Fae wherever they were found, forcing them into the Faerie Realm, and in their absence the Courts have grown in size and strength.

Fae creatures can be cruel and capricious, even when they intend to aid others. Those who are actively malign and wish to cause suffering are terrible, intelligent creatures that warrant immediate destruction in order to ensure the safety of humans. Some kidnap children with the aim to consume them. Other wish to kidnap women they find beautiful. And, others wish to test themselves against strong humans, fighting to the death, until they rise as the victor in unfair challenges. 

It is speculated that with a sufficiently-powered Alpha strike, the threat they pose can be dealt with instantly. However, due to the war effort against the Chimera, it was deemed that the military assets required for the endeavor would result in the loss of many lives lost in the frontline, simply because of the fact that Sorcerers and Shipmen of the Battleship designation would’ve been required for the strategy to incur no casualties and accomplish their objectives. The months necessary to defeat the weakened Courts, as well as destroy the Dominant Court at their weakest point, would have been a the same as opening another front. A front where victory would have been assured with sufficient allocated force, but one that would’ve nonetheless weakened the overall war effort with critical assets removed from certain, key positions. 

Thankfully, that is no longer the case.

Due to the actions of the Preservers, and the Chimera’s failure in controlling Destruction, the war against the Chimera has been ended. All worlds with Chimera presence have been replaced with mindless beasts of Destruction. Though they retain the same resource content within themselves, allowing them to be used in salvaging facilities, they are no longer the threat they used to be. They are leaderless, lack intelligence, and do little more than ravage their surroundings when they find something different from themselves. 

Current military forces are reporting that they are threats, but no longer threats that require the usage of high-power assets in order to effectively wage war against, so assets can now be allocated to the previously mentioned plan.

Plan Overview:

As mentioned previously, Battleship-class, Enhanced humans and Sorcerers are required in force for the curtailing of the Faerie Realm. Woden’s Blood humans enjoy incredible resistance against magic, as well as the ability to destroy Fae with their bare hands or their energy-based projections. A fifty-man strike team of Battleships, half of all Battleships available, will be capable of destabilizing and crippling all the waning Courts, before assaulting the Winter Court when their power finally wanes. 

Sorcerers, however, are required to navigate, support, and provide breathing room for the Battleships. Sorcerers that specialize in spatial-manipulation are preferred, as they will be able to carve outposts into being in the Faerie Realm, as well retreat from battle into the mortal world when necessary. Since ordinary vehicles will have to contend with haphazard terrain, sudden changes in direction, and even abrupt changes in physics, Sorcerers are the only form of transport that can reliably transport Battleships across the Faerie Realm. 

It is suggested that the operation is begun immediate, as it will secure Earth for habitation. The Cradle has done an exemplary job, but reclaiming Earth within this generation will ensure that there is no discrepancy between those who live in orbit and those who do not. Before going on to reclaim other Earths with our military might, it is highly recommended that our Earth be secured and sent on the path of reconstruction first, so that humanity can again rise to Pre-War population numbers within the next century. 


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