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art by anygoart


Hi cuties 💜 

I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. While I do celebrate Christmas, I know that many do not. This is typically a gift giving celebration and this year it's quite a bit more quiet for me. All year I've been trying to be better about boundaries, expectations, and just self care in the form of believing in myself. That all can be particularly hard during this time of year and I want to be sure that all of you know what an incredible, direct impact you've had on my life. 

Before I started doing this "hobby", I was in the worst relationship I had ever been in, now I am able to love myself so much more in so many ways, both physically and emotionally. 

I used to think I "wasn't an artist", now I believe that the things that I create, from audios to my community, make me a pretty rad artist :D 

I thought I'd never be able to run my own business and that it would be "too hard". It is hard, but it is SO worth it. 

All of you that have supported me have made this possible, and All I Want For Christmas is for all of you continue to support me throughout 2024 and be at my side as I continue to create, build our community and experience a Full Time V ✨  

Merry Christmas, from my home to yours 💜

- V 




Merry Christmas V, enjoy the holidays and thanks for all your love and dedication!!