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art by amyidc_

Happy Christmas Eve, Cuties! 

I think this might be the first official "Christmas" themed audio I've done - Typically I make a general "holiday" themed one but couldn't resist some outright Santa lingerie this year :D 

Still to come is a bit of holiday relief in the form of many 3Dio kisses and whispers so keep your eyes & ears out for that ❄️ 

You're mentally and physically preparing with your girlfriend to go on your annual holiday outings, starting with your family. While you both love your family, you both know that they can be a lot. Your girlfriend has been exceedingly careful on approach, building rapport and trying to be the absolute best partner for you, but is still very on edge about the whole thing. Not only that, but her clothes are a big bagger than you would've expected... What's she got going on under there?

I hope you're all taking some time for yourself. Within this audio I talk a bit about how this time of year can be particularly hard for all of us on multiple levels but how I want to be sure the time spent together can be a bit of an escape ✨

Your favorite Hoe-Hoe-Hoe 😈

- V 



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