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Goodness, another silly holiday already?! 

Indeed it is. Anytime there is a holiday, I do my best to self reflect on any little (or big) things to be grateful for. At this moment, I'm grateful for my immediate family, even though we're quite disfunctional if I truly think about it. And of course, grateful for all of you! 

It's been a little while since I've done a blooper reel so it was fun to go into my files and grab some fun ones to pull together. I hope you enjoy :D

also ~ 

I've got several more art pieces on the way, some of them have been previewed on Discord and once they're complete I'll share them all here with the added audios. 

✨ If you're feeling extra sweet, I've added more art funds on my wishlist, and a few other V-Day little treats. Thank you thank you thank you for even considering/looking ❤️❤️❤️. Don't forget to check out the progress and updates in #gifts-n-lil-treats!

❤️ V 

Cute V Art piece by @artdeen on Twitter! 




Hahaha I LOVE THESE SO MUCH ....and *excellent* job on the art, both you and artdeen. That is both sexy and completely adorable. 💙