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Hi cuties!

I hope you've had a lovely start to the week :D

Today I bring you what would be a "part 1" for the Dream Girlfriend Gone Wrong (?) series but truly, this is a stand alone. Perhaps a series to explore but that's for a later time to decide ~

You've just had a stellar date with the girl you met in the ice cream aisle at your local grocery store. She's sweet, a little shy and enjoys all the things you enjoy! It's a little scary how much you have in common and how much bad luck she's had. Tonight you drop her off and she offers for you to join her inside...

I'm trying to keep this as vauge as possible so that you get all the surprises along the way. I hope you love it!

The song used is by southstreet24 media! 

🖤 V



hahahahaaaa! OmiGAWD, what kind of girl is really that oopsy-forgetful *and* has safety cuffs at the ready for all occasions? I felt like it should be almost... I dunno, worrying?... but couldn't stop laughing long enough to actually tell. So delightfully straight-faced at every turn, and yet that wacky perkiness is NEVER NOT FUNNY. Brava.


:D Thank you so much, Fix! I had a ton of fun with this character and trying to keep the red flags as hidden as possible haha