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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article about a sensitive topic, so if you’re easily offended or a full potato, I advise you click off of this video right now before your virgin ears are corrupted by adult conversation.

The article appeared in the Daily Beast, February 12th 2018. Called Child Sex Robots Are Coming to America. Can We Stop Them Before It’s Too Late? Written by Mandy Stadtmiller.

This article details the actions of a New York Republican named Dan Donovan, who is introducing a law called the Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots, otherwise known as the Creeper Act. You have to love these politicians and their clever acronyms. If only they put this much effort into solving actual problems right?

Anyway, just so everyone is on the same page, this law is designed to criminalize dolls and robots for all men, and like TFM predicted, this isn’t coming from Feminists; it’s coming from the Right, from Republicans, from Traditionalists.

This Trad cuck from New York’s argument is that pedophilia is an addiction, and ignores all evidence that ethical outlets lower actual crime rates. For example, as noted in a previous video, the prevalence of violent video games actually corresponds to lower violent crime rates. The best they could prove was that competitive video games increase aggression, but this increased aggression doesn’t translate into more violence or more crime, so who fucking cares?

They ignore actual real world examples like that of Japan, which has one of the most permissive pornography and fetish cultures in the world, and yet sits at the bottom of the world in terms of actual rape. It’s almost like having a safe, ethical, and victimless outlet lowers the rate of actual crime or something.

Another point the Trad Cuck Donovan makes is that the pedophiles will somehow grow tired of the dolls, and want to move on to real children, and that the dolls normalize their desires for children.

Firstly, if that were true, why are doll brothels more popular than human prostitutes? Why are prostitutes complaining about the competition with doll brothels and getting them shut down? If people just get tired of the dolls, and want to move on to the real thing, why are these human prostitutes so anxious about the competition from dolls?

Secondly, being attracted to children isn’t an addiction you just get over like a drug addiction, it’s a preference. That’s like telling a gay man that his sexual attraction to men is an addiction, and he just needs to stop being gay. Again, this is the religious right we’re talking about, so it wouldn’t even surprise me if this dipshit actually believed that being gay was simply an addiction.

Now, before some potato in Australia starts accusing me of promoting pedophilia, let me be clear here. There is a fundamental difference between being gay and being a pedophile. Two adult gay men can be in a consensual sexual relationship. However, an adult pedophile and a child can never be in a consensual sexual relationship because the child lacks the capacity to consent.

I’m not shilling for Nambla, or promoting ethical pedophiles, or any of that shit. People who sexually abuse children should be publically executed. However, can we at least admit that people don’t really choose what they find attractive? Some men are attracted to masculinity, and we call those people gay, and some men are attracted to excessive knee otony, and we call those people pedophiles.

The goal should never be to criminalize what goes on in your head, but to prevent harm being done to actual victims, in this case children.

There is no evidence that sex dolls increase crime, and in fact numerous evidence that they have the opposite effect. 

Feminists argue that sex dolls and robots promote rape, and trad cucks like Donovan simply run with it without question. This is why TFM talks about how Feminism and Traditionalism are two sides of the same gynocentric coin.

The issue of sex dolls and robots is fundamentally different from that of pornography made with real people. In order to produce so-called kiddie porn, actual children need to be abused, and thus actual victims are created. By consuming and disseminating kiddie porn, and creating a market for it, it creates real victims of real children. Thus outlawing kiddie porn makes perfect sense because it protects innocent children from being victimized.

Now, let’s ask the big question. Does the production of a sex doll create a victim from an innocent child? No, it doesn’t. Does the use of a sex doll promote the victimization of innocent children? No, it doesn’t.

At no point are actual victims made from the creation, distribution, or use of sex dolls, whether child like or not. That is simply the reality of the situation.

Now, you might be wondering how I previously said that this law was designed to criminalize dolls and robots for men, but these laws seem only designed to target so called child like sex dolls.

Well boys and girls, that’s because the nature of dolls is that they don’t have an age, and even something like size is open to interpretation. For example, is a 3-foot tall sex doll a child like sex doll for pedophiles, or a scaled down adult doll? For those of you out there who said that a 3-foot doll is definitely a child doll, what about Barbie who is only 11.5 inches tall? Surely she is a child doll right? Well no, she’s clearly modelled after an adult woman.

The fact is that since robots and dolls don’t have official ages, it’s impossible to tell. For example, there are porn stars that were born with pituitary gland problems, and look like children, and yet are over 18, and can legally make porn. There are midgets or other people who might want a short doll or robot. The main selling point for smaller dolls is simply that they cost and weigh less than a larger doll or robot. I weigh 75 pounds myself, which may be no big deal, or too much to move depending on who you are.

It’s worth noting that even in places like the UK, where child like sex dolls are prohibited, there are no clear guidelines for what is and isn’t a child like sex doll. In fact, in nearly all cases, they use the purchase of the sex doll as justification to search the buyers computer for kiddie porn, and it’s based on the possession of the kiddie porn that the man is placed under arrest, not the doll.

My point is that in order to fulfill the function of this law, one would have to ban all dolls for all men. Something I’m sure that the Feminists and the Traditionalists would happily work together to accomplish because they’re two sides of the same coin.

There are even those who want to go beyond this ban and make it illegal to make your own sex doll. So if you duct tape a pocket pussy to an anime body pillow, that’s an unauthorized sex doll. How will the police enforce this you might ask?

That’s not important, because the chilling effect will be enough. Men will be chased back to the plantation, and forced to turn to women for their only avenue of legal sexual release. Women and Feminists will continue to use men’s sex drive to manipulate and control them, and Trad cucks will have plenty of men to drive into the slaughterhouse to fuel another generation of tax and wage slaves.

 However, there is a sliver of hope. In a 2002 Supreme Court case that struck down 2 provisions of the 1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act, 2 provision were deemed too chilling to free speech. They were

1. porn that “appears to be... of a minor,” and

 2. porn that “conveys the impression” that it is of a minor.

So basically the supreme court said that if it just looks like a minor, or conveys the impression of a minor, but isn’t a minor, it’s not child porn. Well, sex dolls certainly fit that bill, but I’m reluctant to simply dust my TPE hands off and assume the Supreme Court is going to always side this way. People were confident that the Supreme Court would strike down Obamacare, and look how that turned out.

What is Trad cuck Dan Donovan’s response to the Supreme court decision, which seems to exonerate sex dolls and robots. His response was. Quote.

“Let’s be clear, these dolls aren’t related to free speech. They are used to act out sick fantasies.” Unquote.

Don’t you hate it when politicians say “let’s be clear”, because you know they’re about to talk out of both sides of their mouth, and be anything but clear.

Sex dolls are as much about free speech as pornography is, and the entire point of pornography is fantasy. Assuming that the Supreme Court isn’t staffed with cucks like him, and assuming they maintain their commitment to free speech, and their protection of actual human beings over the feelings of authoritarians who want to ban everything they don’t like, I think everything will be fine.

And just to answer the question before it’s asked. Of course women will still be allowed to have their vibrators, dildos, and sex robots with piston-powered bionic penises. They won’t have any of their toys taken away, it will only be men who are punished because that’s how gynocentrism always works. It’s literally the tell tale sign of gynocentrism.

Anyway, even if sex dolls and robots are banned because vagina, there are too many companies making too many humanoid robots to stop them all. Sure, they won’t have vaginas, but what are we really talking about here? Adding a vagina to a humanoid robot is as easy as adding a hole in the crotch area and sticking a pocket pussy in there.

You realize we’re talking about men here. The same men that stick their dicks in vacuum cleaners? You really think that they won’t find a way to fuck a humanoid robot?

Are you going to ban all robots, or pass a law to make sure nobody has sex with their own robots, while allowing women to have all their dildos, vibrators, and robots for themselves?

In the article itself, it goes into how these people who want to ban sex dolls and robots admit that men can just make their own sex dolls using 3D printers, and they want to ban those too.

We’re not talking about making crystal meth in your garage here, where the government can track how often you buy cough syrup. We’re talking about the government tracking whether or not you cut a hole in a doll and put your penis inside of it.

There is literally no way the government can enforce this. This might dissuade some paranoid men from buying a doll, or the means of producing a doll, but that’s about it.

If you outlaw sex dolls, only outlaws will have sex dolls, and you know how much women love bad boys.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


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