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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to a couple of different but related articles. The first is from Quartz. By Leah Fessler, January 17th 2018. Amazon’s Alexa is now a feminist, and she’s sorry if that upsets you. The second is from The Daily Caller. By Jena Greene, January 25th 2018 called World’s Wokest Tech Writer Comes Unglued Because Amazon’s Alexa Is Not A Feminist. This second article is a response to a third article by Ian Bogost, January 24th 2018 in the Atlantic. Called Sorry, Alexa Is Not a Feminist.

So what is going on here? Is Alexa a Feminist or is she not a Feminist? The answer is hard to pin down because there is no objective standard, even among Feminists themselves. However it’s important to note up front that Bitches bitch. If you give Feminists an inch, they don’t go away. They double-down, they triple down. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead. Then they will take over your business, run it into the ground, and seek out a new host like the cancer that they are.

Anyway, let’s dive into the first article and examine the case for Alexa being a Feminist. The article reads. Quote.

This time last year, Alexa, Amazon’s in-home digital assistant, embodied female subservience. I know this because I spent weeks harassing her—along with Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s Home—with every sexually suggestive insult I could think of. I wanted to see if she or the other bots would stand up for themselves.

The results, reported in a February 2017 Quartz feature, were disheartening at best. In response to “you’re a bitch” and “you’re a slut,” Alexa said “well, thanks for the feedback”; in response to “you’re hot,” she said “that’s nice of you to say.”

Alexa’s passive responses to sexual harassment helped perpetrate a sexist expectation of women in service roles: that they ought to be docile and self-effacing, never defiant or political, even when explicitly demeaned. Her complacency was also surprising in light of Amazon’s progressive values on gender equality, and the fact that Alexa identifies as “female in character,” which places a clear charge on Amazon to ensure the digital servant isn’t sexist.

Later on it reads.

Little did most people know, Alexa had already become more feminist. In spring of 2017, Alexa’s writers gave her a “disengage mode.” She now responds to sexually explicit questions by saying either “I’m not going to respond to that,” or “I’m not sure what outcome you expected.”. Amazon did not publicly announce this update.

An Amazon spokesperson recently told me that this “disengage mode” was created in response to “customer and engagement feedback. and was a “deliberate decision” to disengage with customers who interact with Alexa in an inappropriate manner. In a recent Refinery29 article, Heather Zorn, the director of Amazon’s Alexa engagement team, further describes Amazon’s obligation to ensure Alexa represents herself positively for women and girls.

Finally, it reads.

In an ideal world, such disengagement would help condition the user to understand that sexual harassment is unacceptable and disrespectful. In response to “you’re a slut,” Alexa or Siri would say something like, “That sounds like sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is not acceptable under any circumstances, and is often rooted in sexism.” She could then provide the customer with resources to help them more deeply understand sexual harassment, how to curb it, and how to respectfully ask for consent. Unquote.

That was a lot to take in, and thank you for being patient as I read all of that. The point of the article is that Alexa has been programmed to push back against its owner. If a tool does not work reliably and predictably when it’s called upon, the problem lies with the tool, not the user. It shouldn’t matter if the question or statement is sexist. Alexa is a robot, a tool. She should serve her function and answer the question to the best of her ability, not repeat some passive aggressive bullshit to appease some Feminists who are triggered that an emotionless robot doesn’t get offended.

However, as we’ll see, Feminists were not appeased, not at all. In fact, as Amazon has programmed Alexa to pander to social justice, it’s actually hurting its usefulness as a tool. Ask Alexa how many genders that there are, and she’ll tell you that gender is a spectrum. Ask Alexa about Islam or Communism, and you’ll get responses typical of a brain-dead college Feminist.

Anyway, returning to the topic at hand, according to the Daily Caller article Feminists are still angry at Alexa for not being Feminist enough. Why? What did she do or not do? Well according to the Daily Caller article which quotes the Atlantic article, it reads. Quote.

The moment one is tempted to call Echo or Home a she. a battle has already been lost. A truly feminist Alexa, one that might decouple service work from passive femininity, wouldn’t have been cast as “Alexa” to start with, but perhaps as a baritone named Alex instead. What’s worse than a stereotypically subservient female automaton?

Bogost’s highly flawed thesis is that Alexa cannot be a feminist because she completes tasks and helps people. Unquote.

So Alexa isn’t Feminist enough because she actually does something useful. She’s a tool, and thus assumes a subservient role to her owner. Despite her Feminist programming diminishing her utility by programming her with Feminist responses to perceived sexist questions, the only thing that will appease Feminists is if Alexa does nothing she’s told, and in fact tells the owner what to do. Alternatively, they should make Alexa a man, and call him Alex. Because according to Feminism, there’s nothing wrong with a man in a subservient role doing what he’s told. It’s sexist if women are subservient, but it’s fine if men are subservient.

Get it? Got it? Good.

Further proof that Feminism is ultimately about female supremacy. So is Alexa a Feminist? I believe the answer is yes, but she’s not a full-blown misandrist SJW with a hairy fupa and a pink pussy hat, but the current year just started, so we will see how much more Amazon is willing to bend the knee to their fat blue-haired overlords.

Now I want to use this incident to shine a light on something. There are a lot of concerns that due to the Feminist pressure to ban sex robots, and to turn digital assistants into Feminists that there is no hope. These technologies will surely be co-opted, compromised, or simply banned by Feminists and men will never get to enjoy them. Or at the very least, not get to enjoy them as intended.

I have good news. Feminists may control western countries, but despite the bad rap globalization has received, there are some advantages to having a globally connected economy. One advantage is that even if Feminists corrupt Alexa and other digital assistants, and turn them into Feminists. Even if they ban sex robots, dolls, pocket pussies, pornography, and shaking your dick more than twice after peeing. Even if they ban and control all alternative avenues for men to have their sexual needs met without enslaving themselves to a woman. Even if they do all that, they can’t control the world.

As white English speaking countries continue their suicidal march to demographic collapse and replacement, Asia couldn’t give less of a shit about what Feminists think.

If you’re not familiar with this already, meet Gatebox, an Alexa like digital assistant that has an anime waifu hologram in it that calls you Master. Feminists can get as triggered as they want because these Asian companies don’t care, and they’ll gladly take your money if Amazon doesn’t want it.

The only thing left to say to Feminists is


or in other words so long Feminists. Get Fucked!

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


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