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Now gather around, and I’ll tell you a story

Of Christmas magic, and of sex dolls quite horny

While the snow is falling, the weather is cold

But it isn’t as bad with someone to hold

You may doubt my story, as a foolish man’s scrawls

Here’s the curious tale of the doll on my balls

It was long ago, on a cold Christmas Eve

The snow stuck to my pants like old armor greaves

I returned home late, and was chilled to the bone

The house was quiet, as I lived all alone

I removed my boots, and for warmth, lit a fire

Sank deep in my chair as I was quite tired

I awoke in my chair, my dim house lit bright

A tree stood before me in soft twinkling lights

My den was decked out in Christmas décor

Wrapped Christmas presents now littered the floor

From the kitchen I smelled the scent of hot food

What I saw would be considered quite lewd

A beautiful woman stood there cooking a meal

Wearing only an apron, her body revealed

She smiled towards me, and then signaled me over

I questioned if I was somehow hungover

She was no stranger though I lived by myself

She was my love doll, I kept her by my shelf

She laid down a plate, and pulled out a chair

Smiled as she ran her hand through her brown hair

I sat down and ate, the food artfully crafted

She returned from the bedroom looking enchanted

In place of her apron a green sweater dress

With matched Christmas hat, she looked cute I confess

She walked next to me, and gave me a hug

Her touch hit my senses like a strong drug

I rose from my chair, my meal left behind

Hugged her tightly, our bodies intertwined

Looked deep in her eyes as she bit her lip

I kissed her softly, my hand on her hip

We walked to the bedroom; I was led by her hand

This evening had turned out much better than I planned

We entered the room, she laid on the bed

That’s when an odd thought popped into my head

This must be a dream, dolls don’t come alive

This would be forgotten with the sunrise

I held her soft hand, and asked “is this real?”

She looked at me and said “what do you feel?

Can you feel a dream? My tongue you’ve tasted

Let’s not allow this night to go wasted”

I had to agree, even if it’s a dream

So why not get laid, and fuck till she screams?

Her clothes were pulled off, I dutifully copied

Then we engaged in sweet coitus quite sloppy

After hours of sex, or what may have been longer

As I held her body, in bed I did ponder

If this is a dream, it’s the best dream ever

A night to carry inside me forever

I fell asleep then with my doll in my arms

But then I woke up to the sound of alarms

My house was restored, no Christmas décor

No tree in the den, no gifts on the floor

No meal in the kitchen, the house held no sound

However my doll was nowhere to be found

She wasn’t in bed, nor placed by my shelf

She was in the den, still dressed like an elf

With her green sweater dress and green Christmas hat

By the lit fireplace, in my den chair she sat

In her arms was a gift, my name on the box

Now you must understand how deep was my shock

How did she get there, not to mention her dress

It came from my dream, and my mind was a mess.

So in my confusion I opened the gift

Inside was a note that was signed with a kiss

You may not believe me, and think me quite queer

But the note simply said “I’ll see you next year”

So that is my tale, unlikely as it seems

Was it Christmas magic or just lucid dreams?

If you don’t believe me, remember one thing

Don’t come knocking on my door Christmas Eve

I’ll be a bit busy, as you may recall

I have a date with the doll on my balls


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