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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared in the Daily Star called. My life with a sex robot. Dinner dates, romps four times a week, and wife fine with it. By Henry Holloway, published November 23rd 2017.

I’ve seen a few articles similar to this one. If you remember in September, there was a British sex robot inventor who appeared on a morning show called This Morning in the UK, and it was seen as an opportunity to laugh and shame men who turn to sex dolls or robots, especially if they’re married, all while never addressing the elephant in the room. Namely, why are these married men turning to sex dolls and robots in the first place.

Go ahead and guess. Make a wild guess why a married man would feel the need to buy a sex doll or sex robot when he has a real woman living with him. Take all the time you need. I’ll give you the answer, but go ahead and pause this video if you need more time.

Did you guess that it’s because the man’s wife stopped having sex with him? Congratulations, you did it! Now, why is it that this is never brought up in any of these articles. They act shocked when a married man buys a sex doll or robot, but never question the wife why she let his dick get so dry for so long that he felt compelled to satisfy his sexual needs using a doll or robot.

Notice that all the shame is directed on the husband in these stories, and the wife’s role is never acknowledged. They can’t be ignorant of the wife’s role because otherwise they would ask why the man bought a sex doll when he already has a wife, it’s literally the most obvious question there is.

Why don’t they ask that question? It’s because they know the answer, but they don’t want to place any responsibility on the woman for cutting their husband off sexually, likely for years. Instead they just want to point and laugh at the men, even though they are still staying with their wives and providing for them financially, even confessing that they love both their dolls and their wives equally.

This also explains why the wives don’t divorce their husbands when they buy a doll or robot. They weren’t having sex with their husbands anyway, so they aren’t losing anything. In fact, the husbands are demonstrating a great amount of loyalty to their wives in this situation, especially when you consider that these men tend to be older, and likely don’t have to worry about things like child support.

The women continue to enjoy the financial provision of their husbands while neglecting their sexual needs. Meanwhile, rather than replace their wives with younger women with functional sex drives, an option which men have historically done, but would mean far fewer resources going to the first wife, and that’s assuming the man takes a second wife rather than replacing the wife altogether, they buy the relatively low cost, low maintenance, and inexpensive sex doll or robot.

How many married men have to turn to porn to get even the smallest amount of their sexual needs met? These men are simply trying to get their need for love met as well as sex.

According to the article, the doll owning husband says. Quote.

"The sexual aspect of doll ownership is a very small part of it, what you find more pleasure from in the long run is looking after them, dressing them, putting on their make up and interacting with them.

"I feel deeply for her, more deeply than I had ever imagined.” Unquote.

It’s sad really. Here is a man who has a wife, and has to buy a sex doll in order to fulfill his need for love and sex. It would be like living with a famous chef and slowly starving to death until you break down and drive to McDonalds and buy a big mac.

These articles are meant to shock you that these men’s wives tolerate them owning a sex doll or robot. You’re meant to point and laugh at these men and take the side of the wives and wonder why they put up with their husbands.

The real question is why do these men put up with these useless women?

Also, I’ve bet if they could go back in time they would rather have skipped the whole sexless marriage part and just bought a sex doll or robot in the first place.

Well, learn from these men, and don’t make the same mistakes they did.

Bots before Thots.

This is Selestina. Sex doll correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.  


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