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NOTE: I'm going to be referring to sex robots are "love robots" to see if it affects the monetization. Most of my Celestina videos are permanently demonetized.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared on the website Bustle.com called “Why is the Sex Robot Revolution Leaving Women Behind” by Gabrielle Moss.

The author laments that while technologies like self-driving cars, smart phones, and other technologies can be utilized by both men and women more or less equally, sex robots seem to be a thing for men, and she is curious why this is the case.

The truth is that sex robots for women have existed for years. They’re basically just dildos on pistons but they’ll thrust into you as fast or slow as you want. In fact there is an article in Metro from 2015 called “10 Sex Robots you can actually make love 2 today” which lists many of them. Out of the 10 robots listed, again, from back in 2015, half were for women, and half were for men. However, while the ones for women were full-fledged robots, one of which is called Fuckzilla, the ones for men were basically pocket pussies with some additional functionality.

So there you have it, the sex robot revolution hasn’t left women behind, women have had sex robots for years, and men are just catching up with sex robots of their own.

I could end this report now, but I expect that the question behind the question is why are human-like sex robots made for men, while sex robots for women look more like something you’d find in an auto-mechanics garage?

The answer is a bit more complicated, but if you step back and look at it, it makes perfect sense. Consider that sex toys for men are all based on the realistic human form. Even pocket pussies and fleshlights are designed to look like actual human anatomy.

While many female sex toys are based on a man’s penis, many are inhuman. Consider the popular vibrator known as the rabbit, which has a little nub that massages the woman’s clitoris while she uses the dildo end on her vagina. This isn’t what a man’s penis looks like unless he has an adorable bunny-shaped tumor on his dick or something.

A good rule of thumb is that women’s sex toys are built for function, while men’s sex toys are built for form. Men require their sex toys to look and feel like a woman, but aside from that, they don’t have to do much. Men don’t require a toy that vibrates or does anything fancy as long as it looks and feels real.

Compare that to women’s sex toys, and note how most are built towards functionality at the cost of realism. This applies to everything. Dildos and vibrators come in all the colors of the rainbow, while pocket pussies and fleshlights only come in skin tones.

So now we need to answer the question behind the question behind the question. Why are men attracted to form, while women are attracted to function?

To answer this, you simply need to understand the reproductive dynamics of humans, and how male and female love differs based on that reproductive dynamic. Remember that love, at least romantic love, exists as a function of the reproductive instinct.

What are men attracted to? Men want young women who are attractive and fertile. In general, they are attracted to a woman’s appearance, looks, or in other words her form.

What are women attracted to? Women want a man who can support her financially, protect her if needed, and generally be there for her materially, emotionally, and physically. In other words, women are attracted to his function.

Men are attracted to form. Women are attracted to function. It’s that simple.

In order to create a human-like sex robot that would truly be attractive to women, it would have to contain a highly sophisticated Artificial intelligence in order to provide emotional support, be able to earn its own money somehow in order to provide financial support, and have some kind of kung fu assassin programming so it can protect and defend her, so that it can provide the protective support women desire from men.

If all of that sounds unrealistic and expensive, it’s because it is unrealistic and expensive.

What do men need in a sex robot? It just needs to look and feel like a woman, and that’s it.

A fully optimized sex robot for women would cost millions of dollars, while a fully optimized sex robot for men would only be several thousand dollars. It’s ultimately about economics.

Besides ladies, how do you expect a humanlike sex robot to compete with Fuckzilla?

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


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