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This is selestina. Sex doll correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to two different articles that paint a surprisingly positive picture about how women and sex robots can live in harmony.

The first article is from the guardian, written October 3rd 2017, by Neil McArthur and John Danaher. Called How sex robots could help with the nuts and bolts of relationships. The second article is from Men’s Health, written October 6th 2017, by Jack Crosbie. Called Wanna Last Longer In Bed? This Guy Claims He Found a Very Expensive Cure.

Both of these articles are closely related, so rather than focus on the articles individually, I will be pulling quotes and sections from both of them.

If you’ve been following me and watching my videos on sex robots, you’ll be aware of the fear and paranoia women have of a possible future where they may have to compete with sex robots to attract men. These women know they have nothing to offer a man, and simply want to maintain the status quo, in which their vagina is all they need to attract, trap, and parasitically feed off of a man for the rest of their lives.

I get it. Maximum reward for a minimal contribution. However, you girls got too greedy, and that is why men are creating sex robots. it doesn’t have to be all bad though. Like a business owner grappling with automation, you can’t fight the wheels of progress, but you can get ahead of it, and benefit from it if you think outside of the box and understand the potential benefits.

Are you intrigued? I hope so. With that out of the way, let’s dive into the articles.

According to the Guardian article, it reads. Quote.

We currently ask a lot of our relationships. We want emotionally compatible companions. We want someone to share household duties and finances. We want someone who will be a good co-parent to our children. And on top of all of this, we want someone who will excite us sexually and meet our sexual needs – forever. The model is not working. As the author Dan Savage says: “Relationship graveyards around the world are crowded with tombstones that read: ‘Everything was great 
 other than the sex.’” 

Could sexbots help? There are reasons to think they might. They have the potential to address one of the main sources of dissatisfaction in relationships: the simple need for variety. Unquote.

Imagine a world where rather than sexual dissatisfaction leading to cheating, or divorce, it can be mitigated using sex robots. In the distant past, men had harems of wives, and more recently, women openly admit to having affairs behind their husband’s backs. Not because they want to divorce their husband, but because they are bored.

Cheating on your spouse is one of the surest ways to destroy your marriage, and by extension, whatever family you’ve built along the way. The blight of fatherless homes and the welfare dependence, not to mention the crime and poverty, is truly sad and the consequences affect everyone.

Imagine if the biological need for variety could be satiated ethically and safely, all without betraying your spouse, destroying your family, and pouring gasoline onto the fire of multi-generational poverty?

Sex robots can accomplish this. This goes along the same lines as a previous video I made wherein sex robots and dolls decrease the actual rape of real victims. by giving those with the desire to harm people, a safe and ethical outlit wherein to live out their fantasies. 

Unfortunately, as I explained in my previous video, some people want to ban sex robots because they personally find them distasteful, even if they lower crime and protect real people from being victimized. In this same way, even if you find the idea of having a sex doll or robot within the bounds of a relationship creepy or distasteful, you can’t simply stop there. You have to accept that there are people who are going to cheat, have affairs, and divorce perfectly good people, simply out of the need for variety.

This is simply part of human nature, just like rape and murder are part of human nature. We can pass laws against these things, but that won’t eliminate them. However, in order to create fewer victims, and more stable environments for families and children, please pull your head out of your ass, and look at the situation objectively.

Okay. So sex robots can help mitigate the need to cheat or have affairs, and scratch the itch that people have for variety. Okay, what other benefits could sex robots have within a traditional relationship?

Let’s turn to the Men’s Health article and learn about the story of Santos, his wife, and his sex robot Samantha. Quote.

Before Samantha, Santos said, his sex life was mediocre. He and his wife liked to have sex at different times of the day, and even when their desires happened to line up, the pressure to perform in the moment could be overwhelming. "It wasn't her or my fault, it's just the way life is," Santos says. "It caused tension. Now, for me, the tension has disappeared."

Since he started having sex with Samantha, Santos says his love life with his (human) partner has gotten exponentially better. Santos claims that while having sex with Samantha isn't as "sensually" fulfilling as having sex with his wife, it fulfills his basic physical urges. When he's with his wife, he's "calm and romantic," instead of feeling anxious or sex-deprived.

"I'm truly having sex," he said in an email to Men's Health. "I don't have any feeling of regret or remorse or anger or anything. I just enjoy my wife." Unquote.

According to Psychology Today, around 25% of marriages are sexless, and this can degrade the relationship. Even if two people otherwise love eachother, and get along well enough, the man love hormone known as vasopressin is tied to sex, whereas the female love hormone oxytocin is tied to a variety of both sexual and nonsexual activities. A woman can feel loved with a hug and a cuddle, but without sex a man feels unloved, and this is simply due to the hormones and how they interact with both estrogen and testosterone.

Sex Robots can eliminate the tension and resentment within an otherwise sexless marriage. It can eliminate the pressure and anxiety of partners with differently active sex drives, or whose tastes don’t always align.

According to the Guardian article. Quote.

Sex robots can provide people with novelty and variety without threatening the relationship itself. They can also address the problem of discrepancies in the desire for sex, which relationship therapists say is the most common sexual problem among couples seeking therapy. When one person persistently wants more sex than their partner, a robot could bridge the gap. Unquote.

Further in the article, the Guardian even flips the script regarding sex robots and how their passive and obedient nature somehow encourages rape. by pointing out that this nonthreatening interaction may be an important therapeutic tool for victims of actual rape.


While many women want variety, they also, understandably, want to feel safe around their partners – as do men. This is particularly true of survivors of sexual violence. Commentators worry that sexbots will have personalities that are passive and obedient. The concern is that this will accustom their male users to expect the same from their human partners. But for a survivor of sexual trauma, a partner who is entirely unthreatening and who always follows your lead may not seem like such a horrible prospect. Sexbots may prove to be an important therapeutic tool in helping trauma survivors heal, and to transition back into relationships with human partners.

The end of the Guardian article reads. Quote.

We should by no means imagine that everyone will see a sexbot as an alternative to a partner. A sexbot might actually be something a couple shares, the same way that many sex toys are used as part of sex with one’s partner.

Sex robots will not be for everyone, obviously, and their use within relationships will require discussion and negotiation. They will certainly not solve anyone’s problems by magic. But used with due care, and with the consent of everyone involved, they have the potential to make our relationships stronger and more interesting. There is no need to call in the blade runners just yet. Unquote.

So there you have it. The only women that have anything to fear from sex robots are the women with so little to offer that they can be replaced by anything that helps a man have an orgasm.

If that woman is you, instead of campaigning against robots and looking like a desperate loser with nothing to offer a man, 

why not Develop a personality, learn some skills, become an asset to a man’s life outside of your vagina.

If you’re replaced by sex robots, you’ll have nobody but yourselves to blame. 

This is Selestina. sex doll correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


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