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This is Selestina. sex doll correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an older article from 2016 that appeared in Broadly. called “I Was Tired of Being Single, So I Built an Imaginary Boyfriend Out of Clay”. Written by Sirin Kale. There is also another more recent article on this subject from The New York Times called The Artist Making — and Dating — Clay Men. Written by Aimee Farrell. I’ll be focusing more on the Broadly article even though it’s a bit older.

The reason I’m commenting on these articles is that I want to present a positive example of how synthetic relationships can benefit women too. According to the article’s subheading. Artist Mary Stephenson explores social attitudes around romance by creating imaginary boyfriends out of clay. We went down to her studio for help to raise our imaginary boyfriend from the dust.

Wow. I’m impressed. I can’t wait to see what Mary Stephenson has in store for us, and how women can learn to appreciate the beauty of relationships with artificial partners. Let’s take a look.

What the actual fuck?

Is this a joke?

These look like a cross between a Pablo Picaso painting and a Planned Parenthood dumpster.

The author of the article humors the artist, and makes her own clay boyfriend, but then decides to dump him after someone responds on social media that he looks like a burn victim.

That’s the overarching message of this article. This woman makes these ugly clay characters to pose with in order to get attention for herself. It’s more a performance art piece than about the actual clay figures themselves. Good thing too because they are godawful. They are the kind of shit a child would make with playdoh.

Seriously, this looks like the set of a really cheap children’s show. Here. I’ll prove it.

On the right side is Mary Stephenson’s art piece from 2017 called “Bathing”, and on the left is a set from the childrens show The Wiggles.

Now I’m not saying that backdrops from the Wiggles, or any other children’s show is high art, but that’s kind of the point.

Mary. Your art is shit. Your boyfriends are shit. You’re shit. You deserve eachother.

I was hoping for a woman who could be used as a positive example for synthetic relationships to counter the anti sex robot hysteria going on, but instead I got a self-absorbed garbage artist.

Oh well, enjoy your clay dildos and ceramic cats.

This is Selestina. Sex doll correspondent for TFM News, signing off.


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