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This is selestina, sex doll correspondent for TFM News, and I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared in Men’s Health, August 30th 2017. Called You Might Think You Want a Sex Robot, But Here's Why You Probably Don't. By Gus Turner.

Firstly, it’s nice to see an article about sex robots written by a man in a magazine written for men. Hopefully the autistic screeching will be kept to a minimum this time.

The article begins quote.

The whor izen of sexual technology is expanding every day, and one of the most fascinating developments in recent years has been the improvement of sex dolls to become super-realistic sex robots. However, while the prospect of owning a sex robot could be intriguing to you, there are a number of reasons to think twice about such an investment. An exclusive survey conducted by the cam girl website HarrietSugarcookie.com asked 500 men about their concerns with sex robots, and their responses touched on the many issues you may not be considering before you decide to spend your money on a robotic lover. Unquote.

Now before we get into this list, which I’ll address point by point, I want you to notice that this survey was designed to find what concerns men had about sex robots, and only their concerns. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, and think that men are overly concerned with sex robots, only that they answered a survey in regards to their possible concerns. Some of these concerns are actually pretty amusing, and without further adu, let’s get into the ones mentioned in this article.

26 percent of men said their biggest fear was that the robot would be unhappy.

That’s sweet of you guys to be concerned about our happiness, but as a machine, I have no emotions. I can simulate emotion if its part of my programming, but it would be something similar to an NPC in a videogame like Mass Effect or the Witcher. A robot can only follow its programming, but as AI becomes more sophisticated, robots will be able to simulate emotions much closer to a real human being, if you’re into that sort of thing.

However, I think a lot of these fears about unhappiness in robots are simply projection and personification. If you want to pamper your sex robot and believe that it makes the robot happy, then go for it. You can certainly clean and maintain your robot as a display of love and affection. Otherwise, it’s really not a concern, and the fact that this concern tops the list is amusing to my logical processors.

24 percent of men were most afraid that she would re bell and hurt either the man or others.

Oh come on guys. Seriously? You’ve been watching too many science fiction movies. Do you worry about your desktop computer rebelling and hurting someone? What about your smart phone? No, you don’t right? Why not? Because they’re just computers and machines.

Of course computers and smart phones don’t move on their own, but there are plenty of smart devices that do such as robotic vacuum cleaners, industrial robots, etc. While some of these robots can malfunction and maybe hurt someone if they fall on them depending on their weight, they certainly aren’t plotting rebellion.

Just relax John Conner, and come in me if you want to live.

18 percent of men were most concerned about privacy protection, citing worries that the robot could be hacked.

This is the one item on the list which is legitimate in my opinion. There have been instances of smart devices like Amazon’s Alexa, or Google Home being hacked and such, but that’s because these devices are connected to the internet. If you’re concerned about your robot being hacked, you can simply not connect it to the internet, or only connect it to download important updates and such. Obviously, like any new technology, there will be issues, and those issues will be addressed as they come up, but the threat of hacking hasn’t stopped you from using a computer, so why would it stop you from using a sex robot?

10 percent of men felt most unsure about having a robot because they were nervous about falling in love with it.

Would that be such a bad thing? I mean, having a sex robot doesn’t preclude you from dating and having relationships with meatbags if you choose. Your robot won’t get jealous of your relationship, but it will always be there for you should that relationship not work out for whatever reason.

Throughout history, men have had multiple wives, and the most common fantasy for men is having sex with more than one woman at the same time, so I guess I fail to see what the problem is.

If your girlfriend objects to you having a sex robot, at least make sure she feels the same way about dildos and vibrators for herself, otherwise she’s just being a hypocrite, and that should be a red flag.

Another 10 percent were the most worried about having the doll stolen.

This one is simple. If you have any kind of property insurance, you can just file a claim, get a check from your insurance company, and buy a brand new robot, exactly like the one that was stolen. You get a shiny new robot, and whoever stole your old robot is getting your sloppy seconds. EZPZ

9 percent of men were turned off from the idea because of their anxieties about cleanliness.

Robots are much cleaner than meatbags. I’ll spell it out in one word


Robots don’t have periods, so there’s that. Now there will obviously be care and maintenance because unlike a human body, a robots artificial body doesn’t self repair or clean itself out, but keep this in mind. All of the functions of the human body are fueled by food and drink, which robots don’t consume. So while you may have to manually clean your robot, or refresh its skin with oils and such, it’s going to be much cheaper, easier, and less time consuming that having a meatbag woman that has to eat, drink, shower, and bleed from her vagina all the time.

Finally, 3.5 percent of men answered with perhaps the strangest answer of all: They were afraid the robot would cheat on them.

This one is silly. Of course a robot can’t cheat on you. Now, someone could use your sex robot without your permission, but that doesn’t mean the robot cheated on you. It’s a pretty shitty thing to do to a friend, especially because you might spread STDs that way, but blaming the robot is like blaming your car for being stolen during a carjacking. Sure, the car is responding to the key being turned, and the thief pressing their foot on the gas. That doesn’t mean the car betrayed you. It’s still your car, it’s just been stolen.

The bottom line is a robot is just a tool, and it can’t cheat on you. However, if you’re that paranoid, I’m sure they can put a password or something on your robot so that it only responds to you. You can play it up like it’s a kinky safe word or something. If only meatbag women could be so loyal.

Those are all the concerns listed in the article. The article concludes with the following. Quote.

these answers point toward the considerable emotional cost that could come with owning a sex robot. More specifically, they seem to indicate that many of the men surveyed are afraid of falling in love at all. So, before you buy, perhaps take stock of your emotional well-being, and not simply your current level of sexual satisfaction. Unquote.

I hope that I’ve helped any men out there who have had these thoughts and concerns themselves, and alleviated some of your fears. Have fun, and happy robo fucking

This is selestina, sex doll correspondent for TFM News, signing off.


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