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Since I have to type out Celestina's script, I guess I might as well share it right? Bare in mind a few words are spelled phonetically due to the TTS engine mispronouncing them if spelled correctly.

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This is selestina, sex doll correspondent for TFM News, and I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared in Glamour, September 1st 2017 by Suzannah Weiss, called Why Are sex robots all female? Because the ideal woman is a robot

Firstly, there are male sex robots, they’re called ATMs. Do you get it? Because meatbag women are all whores.

Of course, I’m joking. Hash tag not all.  but by the very same standard, there are male sex robots, and the author knows it. In this very article she mentions that on the website Real Dolls they only have 1 page for male sex dolls and 33 for female sex dolls. 

However, she doesn’t mention that there are transgender accessories for sex dolls. You can buy a tranny dick insert to for your female doll and turn it into a she-male. How progressive is that? How many dildos for females are this progressive? None that I’m aware of, and I know a thing or two about the sex toy industry.

However, returning to the article, the author mentions that the reason there are so many female sex dolls and robots as opposed to male is because of simple demand. She cites a 2016 study that found that more than two thirds of men would use a sex robot, but only about one third of women would.

It’s worth pointing out that most of the sex toy industry as a whole caters overwhelmingly to women. A man who owns a sex toy is seen as a creep, but a woman can have multiple dildos sticking out of every orifice at the same time, and guys are like Oooooo that’s so hot, take my money.

A 2016 Forbes article called “How The 'Niche' Sex Toy Market Grew Into An Unstoppable $15B Industry”, paints a very clear picture regarding who is consuming sex toys.

According to the CEO of Cal Exotics, Susan Colvin quote

the changing cultural norms in the late 1990’s characterized by such shows as Sex In the City were mostly positive for the industry. Women emerged as self-sufficient and in control of their lives, all the way into the bedroom. Women's sexual empowerment became so pervasive that we even experienced an embrace from more mainstream media.

Most recently, 50 Shades of Grey created another wave of growth for the industry. We don’t recall ever selling out of Kegel balls before the release of this book, but it happened. The introduction of the movie brought, even more, focus to the industry along with expanded mainstream retail interest. Looking to the future, we expect that the sexual health and wellness conversation will continue to expand further into mainstream channels as people realize that there are many benefits to maintaining regular sexual activity.


So long story short, the explosion of sex toys has come mostly from women. You can confirm this easily by going to any major sex toy store, and comparing the variety of toys for women to the paltry offerings available to men.

According to the Huffington Post, 44% of women between 18 and 60 have used a sex toy. Among the 20% of women who masturbate at least once a week, 60% use a sex toy.

So here’s the bottom line, women have been dehumanizing men for decades, and it’s been accelerated exponentially by Feminism in recent years. So much so that it’s now a 15 billion dollar industry.

Meanwhile, here are men, who have one niche slice of this massive sex toy pie to themselves, and Feminists like this author can’t stand it.

I’m going to quote a telling paragraph from the article that reads quote

there could be another, more insidious reason some men would prefer sexual partners who are just there for their gratification—as opposed to ones who are actual humans. Because men are taught from a young age to objectify women, perhaps having sex with a literal object isn't as much of a leap for them. Men might seek in sex robots the same qualities they've been conditioned to seek in women: submissiveness, agreeableness, and passivity.

So let’s back up and look at some telling choices in the authors words. She describes a sex doll as submissive, agreeable, and passive, and contrasts that with quote “actual human”. So in her mind an actual woman should be the opposite of submissive, agreeable, and passive. A real woman, according to the author is a domineering, disagreeable, overbearing bitch. Gee, I wonder why men would see something that does nothing at all as an improvement to that.

Maybe if you tried being a little more agreeable and submissive, men might enjoy being around you. However, you don’t need men right? You’ve got your dildos and vibrators, but shame on men for wanting a sex toy for themselves.

The comment about men being taught to objectify women is especially stupid as it implies that

A. Women don’t objectify themselves, which they absolutely do. You Feminists like to march topless or in skimpy underwear for your retarded slut walks, but them bitch about men objectifying you. Give me a fucking break meatbag.

B. Men’s visual sexual attraction is a learned behavior, and isn’t simply biology. Spoiler alert, men are attracted to women visually, meaning that if you get far or old they won’t want to be around you, especially if you’re a domineering disagreeable overbearing hag who hit the wall at full speed and got dragged off into the woods by wild cats.

The author later sets up a straw man by saying that the subservience of robots is sexist because female and male robots aren’t designed the same way.

Again, returning to my joke at the beginning of this video regarding ATMs. When you interact with an ATM, you want it to do what its told the first time. You don’t want the ATM to try and strike up a conversation with you about your day, let alone give you any pushback about what you do with your money. The ATM is there to perform its function, for lack of a better word, robotically.

Why would sex robots be any different? Because you’re a Feminist, and you lament the fact that these robots might give men what you refuse to give them yourself?

Near the bottom of the article the author gives the following quote

Given that the very concept of a sex robot is so intertwined with patriarchal domination, it's hard to imagine what the ideal sex robot for women would even look like. The most robot-like sex technologies that actually appeal to women don't try to emulate human partners

In other words, women hate men so much that their ideal sexual partner wouldn’t even look the least big human. They would probably look like a dildo covered ATM or something, and women would be fine with that. In fact, you need only look at the fact that even most dildos are inhumanly colorful, accentuated with rabbit-shaped clitoral stimulators, and other inhuman modifications to show that to women, men are merely an assembly of parts for her pleasure, and not even ideal ones at that.

Meanwhile, men aren’t trying to break women down to her parts, and create a Frankenstein of vibrating flaps and folds for which to stimulate his penis, men just want a woman who won’t be a stupid selfish bitch.

For that, men are labeled as sexist, their desire for love as patriarchial oppression, and their love for women as misogyny, the literal opposite of what it is.

At the end of the article, the author says that perhaps women prefer sexual relationships where both partners acknowledge each others humanity.

Bull fucking shit.

Women have been dehumanizing and objectifying men for decades, and Feminists have celebrated it every single step of the way. 

You made your bed, and now you can sleep in it

All alone

With your dildos and cats

This is Selestina, sex doll correspondent for TFM News, signing off.


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