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Video version for our December #1 bonus story! I gotta do a whole episode on glitches.. I love these stories. Any other good ones you've seen? Or maybe a personal story to share?


December Bonus Story #1 -- Video Version

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Spencer! It's always nice being read to for a change. Loved having Spencer on for this glitch story as he can relate to it in more ways than one. Ever had a glitch? Maybe some Alien encounters? Full length Audio only episodes available on all podcast platforms!


Bianca 🖤💫

honestly i see ghosts and aliens as the man vs bear convo now. I'll gladly take the aliens or ghosts over the man (as well as the bear) and have had some wonderful interactions with ghosts (i have a crazy story of how we talked to a former mafia member and he told us about how he got murdered through the ouija board-- also the ghosts at my grandparents have told me their stories too). Ghosts are cool idk about aliens yet but still would pick them over a man if I had to any day


ummm apparently morgan and i have similar voices lol the "hey siri" worked when she said it but not spencer HAHA. i normally lurk this is my first comment on the patreon hiii ☺️