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Decembers 1st bonus story is a different one with Spencer reading to me LOL! What's everyones thoughts on glitch in the matrix type stories? Ever experienced anything similar to this? Here's to hoping I never get stuck in a dream or alternative universe…


Julia Forner

Catching up in my backlog of podcasts from vacation but my nana came to me in my dream to warn me to go to the hospital the next day or I would bleed out and die. I remember in my dream saying I was cold and to call 911 I was dying. The next evening I started bleeding 10 days postpartum. I told my husband I was fine and just going to lay down thinking it would subside that's when I realized I was freezing under blankets with multiple sweaters on in at the end of May. That's when it came full circle and knew I had to go to the hospital. Long story short I lost over half my blood mass and was just shy of a full hysterectomy at age 27 and only about 2 hours away from death. Thanks Nana for my life.

Cedar Kenny

I used to take a medication that gave me insanely vivid dreams, and they were LONG. Not months like that one person, but a few hours to a full day usually. And they were so realistic I would regularly confuse them with reality. Like if I dreamt of someone in my life, then later on I’d be like “remember when…” or ask them a question about it it and they’d be like wtf are you talking about? The weirdest part it how repetitive they were. I was ALWAYS going somewhere (think trying to catch a train) in the same fake city my brain made up. Almost always real people in my life, but every thing else was fiction. Tbh I really enjoyed these dreams, made me excited to go to bed every night like I was gonna watch a movie lmao