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Hello friends !! Just want to thank you for being here and apart of our Patreon family! Would love to see what story you'd like for the November free story. 

Feel free to share a link below! The link with the most hearts by this weekend is the one we shall read :) 

Also any other content you'd like to see in the free tier? Was thinking about doing a Q&A type video soon. 


Taylor Arledge

Please no more coconut story. It makes my stomach churn. I can’t take it anymore 🤢

Allison Record

Can anyone please help me find a story? I could’ve SWORN it was on THT, but it could have also been the Let’s Not Meet pod. It’s the one about the girl who had a best friend in college obsessed with weddings had a vision board in her dorm but her bf didn’t want marriage & OP was engaged. The friend goes on to pretend to be engaged at OP’s dress shopping and then she and her bf stalk the couple. Please let me know if you know this story!