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Well we are on the last day of October.. HOW?! I want to get a jump on November content to make sure I'm punctual, as its going to be a bit hectic for me with my assistant editor leaving. Ya girl is flying solo solo again. eeek.

So any story links you want me to read? Theme ideas? Should we dive into the Susi pesto trend and respond to tiktok videos a bit? I'm open to all!

For group therapy I'd love to do another Tarot card reading or something fun, so be sure to add in your suggestions for that!

Oh and all content for October has been posted and if I missed something or you don't see due to a glitch let me know :)

Can't wait for another month with you all and thank you so much for your continued support ❤️


Izzy Agnello

https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/0f0FdmxZFp Girl. I just want to hug her


Would you guys be willing to do an episode where it’s just all happy and good pick me ups? The world is so dark now and a whole two hours of wholesomeness would be so great to listen to.