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Octobers last bonus story and it is a spooky one with Alejandra!! Has anyone ever experienced sleep paralysis or exploding head syndrome?! WE can't be the only ones going through this.. and is there any way it could actually be paranormal or more energy related?


Last content coming in October is the full bonus episode which should be done soon :)

Also sorry I bopped up the audio during export this should be better <3


Jessica Alberico

Everyone with sleep paralysis seems to see a tall dark figure with a top hat


BROOOO okay now’s my time to shine. When I was on bipolar meds (misdiagnosis) one of them gave me like semi regular sleep paralysis. It was horrible. The worst one was when I was napping during the day. It was completely light out and I saw a man covered in blood come into my room and stare at me. Then from all walls and the ceiling I saw cockroaches crawling toward me. Then they turned into rats. And then they turned into little chihuahuas that started eating my skin as the man came over and started stabbing me. Literally remember it like it was yesterday. This was 5 years ago.