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Seeing the comments on the audio version for this full episode, and dont take that trigger warning on the last story lightly y'all 🤪


August Full Bonus Episode -- Video

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin! Well well well here we go with August's full bonus episode ft. Justin :) These were a random assortment of trending posts and one from a listeners suggestion on the post asking what you'd like to see. The last one especially is a bit wild though so take that trigger warning for bodily fluids to heart!!! Show your support (much appreciated): https://www.patreon.com/TwoHotTakes Full length Audio only episodes available on all podcast platforms!



I moved to NYC and feel exactly how Justin feels, and I try not to make any noise, but people are playing music all day so I'm surprised he got so many complaints 😅 happy birthday Justin, happy to see him on the show again haha.


I’m starting to think that there should be a second podcast dedicated to the gross stories.


The over-sharing bit is so important. In the after school program I run, I try to make most things into a lesson, and one of our big lessons on kindness is the line between lying and omission. The whole “honesty without kindness is cruel, kindness without honesty is manipulation”. Our most recent discussion was how we can express ourselves when people make choices we don’t like, like the way someone dresses or does their hair. Saying “I love that for you” even when we don’t like something is okay because we can love that our friend was able to make a choice that was authentic to them, without having to like the choice and our opinion of the choice actually has nothing to do with them and we need to keep to ourselves unless it is kind. For this story, she was kind but not honest in giving them the housing option without telling them how it was possible, so they felt manipulated. But the full honesty felt cruel. Middle ground would have been give them the deal and tell them it’s due to their uncle’s generosity. No lie. Right amount of kindness and honesty.


LOL Morgan r/trees is about weed and not actual trees. R/marijuanaenthusiasts is for trees