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Well well well here we go with August's full bonus episode ft. Justin :) These were a random assortment of trending posts and one from a listeners suggestion on the post asking what you'd like to see. The last one especially is a bit wild so careful with that one! 



Can you please stop with the disgusting bodily fluids stories…. Was gagging at my office desk haha 😂 disgusting 🤮


all landlords are assholes by default

Audrey de Szendeffy

Re: the renting story… I get how the friends feel, and OP should probably have been open and honest about it.

Zoe Bizoe

I’m from Belgium and we have the Horse saying in Flemmish (Dutch dialect spoken in Belgium) we say: “Een gekregen paard kijkt men niet in de bek” literally: If you are gifted a horse, don’t look in its mouth- so you need to appreciate what you have gotten. So funny to hear you say it I didn’t realise they said it in English as well!