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Sneak peak into our upcoming Family Meltdown episode with dad.. This story made me so mad. And my dad could be the voice of reason here.. idk even after editing it how I feel. I need your thoughts!! 



Morgan, you don’t have enough info about the situation to demonize the dad so much. Yes, he made a mistake, but he was also struggling and I’m sure has had a difficult time navigating the situation too. He is a parent, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t human. I have compassion for both of them and you should too. You don’t know if he supports his wife. At all. You don’t have that info. We don’t know what that looks like inside their home. He failed his daughter in that moment yes, but I can see why he lost his shit. Doesn’t make it okay. But having zero compassion for his position is a little much.


It sounds like the mom is abusive and the dad let's it happen. He is not protecting his children from this abusive person which makes him abusive just in a different way. He abuse is neglect. Her abuse is emotional.