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We got a bit off topic with this one and shared a lot of personal stories.. did this remind you of times you have experienced something similar? Or any entitlement stories you've been reminded of thanks to this episode?


Patreon Deep Dive: It's The Entitlement For Me

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host, Lauren! Episode includes blind reactions to Reddit story about a girl whose entitled boyfriend decides to take her car for a joy ride... We get just a bit off topic and give you a deep look into our personal experiences and life that we were reminded of thanks to this story. hehe.



LOL listening to this for the first time in 2023, the Justin Bieber joke hiiiiiittttttssss😂😂😂

Samantha Shofner

My dad goes to Cabo San Lucas every year in october. This past october my fiance and I went with the family as well. We were out one night at a bar and my fiance and I decided to go back to the resort with my sister because she was getting tired. Once we got back we realized I left my phone in the cab. We chased that cab for like an hour before my dad got back to the room and called my fiance. The same cab had to returned to the bar to pick my dad up and waited in the lobby to give me my phone back!