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This is the deep dive cut from our "It's the Entitlement For Me" episode. We got a bit off story, but all for good reason, as we share some pretty personal relationship related details. Hope you enjoy! 


Carolyn Pascal

This is an old post but I am catching up on all of them, just wanted to share my funny stolen phone story lol. At the beach I decided to go night swimming with my friends and left my shoes, wallet, and shorts on the sand. I got back and everything was gone so I had to, first of all, get on a nasty OC “drunk bus” bare foot, and second call my dad who was actually drunk at a bar somewhere in OC. He ended up tracking my phone on find my friends all the way down the beach yelling at people because he thought they took my phone (also my dad is French so his accent just makes it funnier) and then had to say sorry when he realized it was still on the move. Finally he realized one of the beach cleaner trucks cleaned it up and it finally lost signal, I was in so much trouble lol