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As mentioned, I goldfished/miscounted on the number of stories I had so making up for it with 5 next month and 4 FKS stories to tie you over until then :) hope this makes up for it, but if you have issues please send me a message! Happy to sort something with you <3

Also thoughts on doing a listener write-in from one of you guys each month or even every other?


Shauna Scholz

Thank you for the podcast and the extra stories. I love listening while working from home. Need to see pics of your new horse 🩵👏🏼

Hannah Blesson

Morgan I have been a listener since my junior year of college (2021) when I found THT on tiktok and this was my first listen of FKS and I am going to binge all of the eps at work now. ALSO did Justin come up with the music for FKS and everybody’s crazy?? If so, he is a GENIUS because they fit each vibe so well/are bangers. I’ve sadly run out of episodes on Patreon and Spotify (I’ve listened to literally every single one) so I will patiently wait until next week 😌


Yall at the end talking about how years later, you often look back at a relationship and are like “whew dodged that” reminded me of my high school one 😂 Was never officially together with the guy but was definitely thinking “maybe someday, he seems so perfect” at the time. Dude ended up going totally off the rails in college and wound up in Jail for a few years 😳 😅 def dodged that one lol