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Update from our listener in story 1 after I reached out in an email asking about graduation!!

"Omg thank you Morgan!! It means so much that you all read my story, and it means so much to me that Dad was willing to come to cheer my name! <3 Graduation went well, obviously my mom wasn't there, but I felt like I had mourned that beforehand so on the day I wasn't too sad about it. My dad, brother, sister, and partner were there cheering me on, which made me feel so loved! I haven't talked to my mom since and am still not sure how I want to proceed with her, so I will be very excited to hear your thoughts on the episode!"


May Bonus Stories 1 & 2 || Father Knows Something Podcast

Welcome to the first couple of May's bonus stories. We have some very good write ins about navigating a parent not attending your graduation and how to deal with the struggle of infertility. Full-length audio episodes are available on all podcast platforms!


Alex Scott

My mum is very similar to the listener write in and is getting more delusional and self righteous as she's getting older. A lot of it seems to stem from jealousy, she did come to my graduation (7yrs ago now) but left early because she was bored 😅 I think spirituality gives her a scape goat to blame a past life and hope stuff changes without any proactive action from herseld

Kimberly Minto

Regardless of what people think, it’s okay to cut these toxic people out of your life, even if it’s family. I did with my nana. She did/said so many horrific things throughout my life to me and my family but after she said I was the reason my dad took his own life and she hopes I lose my child (that I was 23 weeks pregnant with at the time) I didn’t see the point in fighting to keep her in my life anymore. That was almost 3 years ago and I haven’t seen/talked to her since and I’ve never felt lighter. Life is tremendously easier and a lot more peaceful without her in it. I hope everyone does what’s best for themselves, and I wish you luck during the process because it is hard but it’s worth it.