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Cerby slept on my lap as we sat deep in Obsidian’s lair. Obsidian had put in a new floor, and we were currently enjoying it.

It was the perfect lounging area with several large sectional couches and a big movie screen on one end. And it was finished off with a bar in the back.

“So, you didn’t tell me you had a movie room?” I raised an eyebrow as Obby came in with Sibi in tow, carrying a briefcase. For some reason, Sidi seemed to be following Obby around quite closely ever since we returned.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Obby sat down on the other side of the sofa. Stella snuggled in on the other side of Cerby, and Angelina was pasted to my other side.

All of my ladies were present, even those I hadn’t quite formed a relationship with. Anybody I thought was at risk I wanted close.

I changed the topic. “The temple maidens?” I asked after them.

“They are doing work in the manor. I’ll have some clones watch them, but they have been on good behavior since they disturbed Emma’s nap and nearly died. Good thing you were careful when you bought this manor, otherwise we might have needed to move.” She held her hand out, and Sidi passed her a stack of papers out of the suitcase.

Obby flipped through the papers. “There’s only two layers of shell companies to protect you though. If you don’t mind, I’ll buy the manor from you officially and put it into my shell company game. No one will be able to connect either of us to this place. It will be much better protected.”

“The repossession company found Mona here.” I pointed out.

Obby glared at me over the papers. “That was a failure on her part. It has been corrected.” She glanced at Mona behind me, who was playing pool with Vaash.

Mona shrugged. “Won’t happen again.”

“Good.” Obby went back to the papers, putting them on the table in front of her and signing them as Sidi kept track of the papers. “Can we get your signatures, Miles?”

Rather than get up and disturb everyone, I made a new void limb that took the pen. I scribbled down my signature where she indicated.

“Master, when is Cerby going to wake up?” Stella asked, petting the mini titan.

“No idea. Wells and Skel need to examine him. But first they’re working to get Skel’s lab up and operational. I got the impression we wouldn’t see or hear from them for a few days.” I remembered Skel’s wonder at everything that Wells had in her two floor lab, and then Obby offered to give them a third floor as they took apart what had remained in Skel’s lab and purchased other new equipment. They were working to make a home for the monster fruit trees and bring each other up to speed on their research process. Both their minds were working a mile a minute.

Stella pouted and laid against Cerby again as Beatrix and Melody came down with bowls of snacks in their arms, along with a row of them floating in behind.

The treats perked Stella up. “Popcorn me.” She held out her hand.

Melody laughed and appeased her, floating over a big bowl of popcorn. Stella shot up to a sitting position, grabbing the bowl that was far too big for her lap.

“Do you really need that much popcorn?” I teased her.

“Course. Beats, did you bring the movies?” Stella wiggled and smiled at Beatrix, but she was controlled enough that she didn’t topple her popcorn. “Oh and Master,” Stella turned to me and batted her lashes. “Can I get some of that movie theater butter for my popcorn?”

I rolled my eyes and made a drizzle start above her bowl.

She excitedly started to move the bowl about to spread it as if it was coming out of a dispenser. “I’ll tell you when to stop.”

We all watched as Stella continued to put more on her popcorn. It continued for far too long.

“Okay, I’m cutting you off.” The drizzle ended.

Stella pouted until she stuffed some popcorn into her mouth and leaned against Cerby again. “I wonder if Cerby will be a good boy. He’s so soft.”

Angelina was plastered to my side and smirked as part of her hip started to ooze into my toga.

I was still wearing the toga around the house; it was actually super comfortable.

“Angelina.” I warned as I felt her goo pool over my hips, looking for something in particular.

She leaned against me and stuffed my arm between her breasts. “Shh. I missed the making out in the theater part of my childhood.”

A small grunt escaped me as she found what she was looking for.

“I see Angelina is having fun.” Kim hung up her phone and turned back to the group. “Do you girls ever stop? We have serious problems out there. The whole city is rippling from the fallout of several dozen dead officials. Miles, I haven’t been able to locate Amelia like you asked.”

“Nope. We must keep it up all day and all night. Master doesn’t even sleep anymore.” Stella looked up from where Beatrix was showing her something on a tablet. “That one.” Stella pointed to something on the tablet and Beatrix got to work.

Kim had been fretting about the power change in the city, but I was keeping myself out of it. And I wasn’t going to let the stress of all the possible issues get in the way of spending quality time with my women

Public opinion on what I’d done, even with the BSH feeding the news stations tons of information on Roach and the risk to the city. But those I cared about knew me and understood what I’d done. That was all I cared about.

A projector popped out from a panel overhead and started to boot up with a soft light on the movie screen.

“Ah. Movies.” Daeva jumped over the back of the couch and landed with a frown, looking in my direction. “We’ll just have to watch lots of movies so we can all trade who gets to sit next to him. And maybe have the dog off the couch so that we can spread the love better.”

“Hey. You don’t get to kick Cerby off the couch. He’s a good boy.” Stella argued over the back of the giant puppy.

“All he does is sleep.” Daeva deadpanned.

“Yeah.” Stella gestured. “That’s the best part. He’s so fucking cuddly. My little living stuffed animal.” She snuggled deeper into Cerby.

I was having trouble paying attention to everything going on around me as Angelina poured more of herself into my toga and kept working me.

“You know, if you just go all in, you’ll love it. He’ll love it, and I can steal your spot.” Melody showed up behind her on the couch.

Angelina raised an eyebrow at me, asking permission.

“She’s not wrong.” I said. “But you can’t do it the whole movie.”

“Is that a challenge?” Angelina melted off the couch and into my toga.

Melody hopped over the couch and plopped into where Angelina had been sitting before Daeva could claim her spot.

“Sign here.” Obby brought my attention back to the house papers, and my void arm scribbled down another signature.

“Mona, are you going to join us?” I asked before a pleasant shudder ran up my spine.

She pursed her lips as she lined up another shot. “Not much for sitting still for that long. I’ll watch from back here.” She ricocheted the cue ball off the wall and nailed a striped ball into a corner pocket.

“Same.” Vaash moved from where she stood so that Mona could get at her next shot. “Movies are very predictable.”

The opening scene kicked up and there was a fancy Christmas party.

“I haven’t seen this one.” Pollen sat cross-legged on the couch, taking up two cushions. “Is it a Christmas movie?”

“It’s the best Christmas movie.” I clarified.

“No, it isn’t a Christmas movie.” Kim rolled her eyes. “It’s an action movie. He gets—“

I glared at Kim. “Don’t spoil it. And it takes place on Christmas, so it’s a Christmas movie.”

“If it’s a Christmas movie, then this is too soon to watch it. It’s not even Halloween yet.” Melody replied as there was a loud slurp inside my toga that caught everyone’s attention.

“Oh. Halloween. What are we all going to be?” Stella leaned over Cerby with excitement as Beatrix paused the movie. She seemed less certain of the choice.

Melody sighed. “We’re laying low Stella. Roach’s organization is still out there, and we need to regroup.”

Stella shook her head, tossing her black hair over her shoulders. “No, see, you are the responsible one. I’m the fun one. You can worry about Roach. I’ll focus on what slutty things we all wear for Halloween. We can make a game of it. See who entices him the best with their outfit and gets pregnant! I call dibs on being an angel.”

Melody turned to me. “That’s not how it works, is it?”

I held my hands up. “I’m innocent. You guys just do you, and mostly, I just want you all in the same place so I can protect you.”

“Such a man.” Kim replied when she finally stopped pacing and sat next to Pollen, stealing an unpopped kernel from her bowl and popping it with a small application of fire.

Stella watched with wonder. “Oh my gosh. You can do that?”

Kim had a big smirk on her face. “Easy. B, turn the movie back on. We should all watch it at least once so we can determine if it is a Christmas movie or not.”

“Sign here. Last one.” Obby finished the form, and I signed right behind her. “Perfect.” She handed the last page to Sidi who shuffled it back into a stack and neatly put it in the briefcase. “You can stay for the movie, or head out.” Obby gave her the option.

Sidi’s brows shot up and she nodded quickly. “I’m going to get some nachos.”

That caught my attention, and Sidi smiled. She was already planning to make some for me. She’d suggested it knowing it was what I’d want to eat.

There was an intense suction under my toga, and I let out a surprised gasp.  I realized I’d let my focus drift away from Angelina, and she was interested in regaining it. I laid back, letting everything happen around me.

My women were safe and with me. I didn’t want to ruin all our moments worrying about what might happen. I’d need to take things in stride and find ways to protect them as threats arose.

Mona slipped into the back of my mind and gave me the mental equivalent of a shoulder rub as a pair of hands started an actual shoulder rub.

I glanced up to find Sidi’s clone at work on my shoulders. The main Sidi ate some nachos and then offered one to me.

Melody cleared her throat, and Sidi gave her one too.

“This is nice.” I smiled, watching as an explosion in the movie took out the first bad guy.

“This is entirely unrealistic. They placed the explosives poorly.” Obby tilted her head, studying the movie.

“Obsidian, if you ruin the best Christmas movie over a few technicalities, I swear I’m going to just tease you with a feather duster for hours next time you are chained up in the playroom.” I threatened.

Obby’s mouth snapped shut.

I leaned back, opening my mouth as more nachos were offered to me.


Obby pulled me aside the next day. “Can you come with me?” She seemed particularly vulnerable at the moment, so I quickly followed.

“Of course, come on.” I walked with her down into the lair. “Worried about something?”

She hesitated, and I could feel her almost switch tracks and go a different direction than she had intended. “Yes. What are the plans for Roach?”

“The elephant in the room.” I grumbled. “If I get scared and hole up for too long, he wins. If I completely ignore him and he does something to one of you, he wins.”

“He put you in a lose-lose situation.” Obby interpreted.

“Check, but not checkmate.” I offered. “He’s a pest, like bugs in the house. I need to treat him like one.”

Obby chuckled at the comparison. “Apt comparison. So, you are putting out glue traps and poison?”

“Something like that. Beatrix is working with Kim to get a network up and monitoring the perimeter around Point City, and getting satellites over New Haven. When I asked Beatrix why the ones over Point City didn’t reach, I got a lot of technobabble about charged particles in the air and interference.” Even with my enhanced brain, it had been hard to keep up with that conversation. “But the point is that communication lines are opening up between Point City and New Haven. We are going to start treating it like a real city.”

I shrugged. “Now we just have to monitor for any activity, and be prepared to act when we find something. I’m going to get a little proactive about the titans and the other cities.”

We reached the elevator, and she pulled me in and dismissed the bellhop Obsidian.

“So, now are you going to tell me why you really wanted to talk?”

She scowled at me and opened the call box before punching in a code and double tapping the receiver. “I think I’m ready to act on my frozen past.” The elevator jerked into motion dropping down the shaft.

I was surprised, but I didn’t ask if she was sure. Obsidian wasn’t the kind of person to back out once she made a decision. “Okay. I’ll do what I can to revive them.”

“Thank you.” She nodded and relaxed. My offer to help seemed to calm her.

“You know I would do almost anything if you asked.” I teased her with bouncing brows.

“Mmmhmm. But you shied away from the whips.” She smirked.

I threw my hands up in the air. “There were metal spikes on that whip. Forgive me for not being comfortable going that far.” Since something had grown between us, it had actually become harder to indulge her pain during sex preferences.

Obby just laughed and leaned on me for comfort for the rest of the ride.

Wrapping my arm around her thin waist, I held her to me and let her relax. She was about to take on one of her fears. I knew it was a big moment for her, and besides helping with the process, she just needed comfort and support from me.

The elevator hit the bottom floor and the doors opened to an unfinished floor. Thick power cables and frosted piping crisscrossed around the room, connecting to over two dozen metallic monsters hissing away.

Obby passed by all of them to the back row. “These all contain original clones, or original mes.” She swallowed loudly and hesitated.

I came up behind her and squeezed her shoulders, planting a kiss on her cheek. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. We don’t even know if any of these have your original memory.”

“But they could. They very well could, and it could be an entirely different me. Hell, one of these could be the real original.” She was working herself up.

“Do you want me to do the honors?” It appeared that she was losing her nerve.

Obby stood up straight and brushed my hands off her shoulders. “No. This is something I need to do.” She went up to the panel for one and began tapping away. The cryostasis chamber whirred to life, growling like a slumbering monster roused from hibernation.

I could feel the electricity coursing through the machine to rapidly heat the body and insulate her brain and spine from the shocks.

Obby stepped back into my comfort as the process finished as quickly as it began, and the chamber hatch slid back and poured steam out into the air. I could feel the Obby in my arms freeze like a statue, holding her breath.

The frozen Obsidian sat up, rubbing her head. “Where am I?” She asked.

Obby slumped, but I wasn’t so sure it was a failure.

“What’s your name?”

“Hailey.” The Obsidian blinked at me as if I was an idiot. “Where’s Doctor West? Is she not running this anymore?”

Obby vibrated against me.

“No, no she’s not. We have a lot of catching up to do.” I smiled, trying to look friendly. “This is Obby, or Obsidian, and there’s almost too much to explain right now. Can we get to a more comfortable place to explain?”

Hailey nodded, still looking a bit confused as she slid out of the stasis chamber. I managed to guide her and a baffled Obby out, getting a few clones to help us set up a place for Hailey.

We sat down, and I didn’t even know where to begin.

There was so much to tell and so much she wouldn’t understand. But helping piece this together was important to Obby, so I would do my best.

Roach was out there reorganizing, and I knew I’d need to find him and take him down once and for all. But in that moment, Obby needed me most.

I smiled, thinking about the women around me, willing to go to any lengths for me and me for them. Roach craved what I had. He’d tried to build it using compulsion, but I had the real deal. He knew that and was ready to rip it away to hurt me, but he wasn’t prepared for the power I could give my women.

It was time to train.


Daniel Glasson

The threat to Obsidian to not spoil the movie was funny as hell. And it'll be interesting to see how either she integrates into Hailey or Hailey integrates into her


I wonder if Angelina will work on both of them. They have multiple personalities to work through. I could see getting lots of couch time before reintegration.

Dennis Erwin

Fantastic ending. Getting back to the fundamental conflict of the first book - how can Miles live the life he wants to while also effectively being a god that needs to protect that life. Love this series.