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“That should hold us over for a while.” Kelly put the stopper on a large glass flask we used to capture the ingredient for H.

I pulled Kelly into me, feeling more connected to her after getting some time to play and talk.

But now it was growing dark, with stadium lights streaming in through the locker room windows.

We’d ended our time getting cleaned up in the shower, and I was working to dry off so that I wouldn’t be late to the fae party.

“Alpha?” a voice called in. “There are some people here to see you two.”

I frowned, unsure who knew where we were.

Kelly seemed unperturbed as she pulled a slinky black dress out of a locker and slipped it on. “Tell them they can come in with his suit. I have a flask for you, too.”

Moments later, a tall girl with a messy ponytail of red ringlets walked in, trailed closely behind by two of the dragonettes.

Kelly held out the flask to the other wolf. We hadn’t done the best job of getting it in cleanly, but that didn’t seem to bother Taylor as she took it with eyes that flashed the orange of a wolf’s. “Get that to H. Do not think about taking any extra.” Kelly instructed.

“Of course, Alpha.” Taylor nodded eagerly. “And if you ever need any help to get some of this, I’m your girl. Okay?”

Kelly snorted. “If he ever needs additional help, I’m sure he has plenty of offerings.”

Taylor didn’t give up, turning to give me a lusty look before sauntering away, swinging her hips.

But she only made it two steps before Larisa and Polydora throttled all of us with their fear auras. Despite both of them being done up and in sparkly floor-length dresses, they reminded everyone here that they were dangerous.

The auras washed off me instantly, and I grabbed Kelly to prevent it from affecting her.

Taylor stumbled two steps before catching herself and throwing a pissy glare at the two dragons. “Watch yourselves. The pack doesn’t bow to anyone but our alpha.”

“Ooh. I like you. You’re a tough one.” Polydora grinned right back. “Want to fight?”

“Not now. I have an important task.” Taylor held onto the flask with care. Polydora’s eyes went to it, studying it for a moment before she realized what was inside.

“What is that for?” The bronze dragon demanded.

“Polydora, stand down.” I growled. “Kelly’s pack uses it for a potion for fertility among the betas. Given the difficulties of an alpha female in werewolf pack structure, it is important to them.”

The amazonian woman snapped back to me. “But my king—“

“Enough.” I cut her off.

She bowed her head, and she looked particularly submissive, with her hair curled and tied up in a bun with little tendrils hanging down to frame her face. She and Larisa were wearing dresses to match their dragon colors.

Polydora’s dress was particularly interesting. It looked like it was tightly woven chain mail. I wondered if they literally made it of bronze. The weight wouldn’t bother her nearly as much as a human.

Turning my attention to Larisa, I took in her blindingly bright white dress. It hugged her body like a second skin, except where there was a large cutout showing off her toned back.

“Your suit, my king.” Larisa held a garment bag out while Kelly jerked the towel out of my hands. “Thank you. We need to get him dressed quickly. The others are waiting.”

Others? But I was swept up by the girls that I didn’t have time to give it much thought.

Moving quickly, the three girls helped me get into a suit so black it almost felt like it was absorbing the nearby light. Gold buttons glittered off my chest and my cuffs, standing out even more against the dark material.

After I was dressed, Larisa held out a black velvet case with a gold watch, and Polydora pulled out a gold tie for me. It even had little dragons embroidered on it.

“For you, my king.” The tall bronze dragon offered to tie it.

I let her help, not wanting to admit that it would be difficult for me without a mirror.

She slipped it around and effortlessly tied it around my neck.

“Do this often?” I asked, surprised she knew how to do it so well.

“I’ve been practicing all day.” She replied, not meeting my eyes.

Larisa giggled. “Be thankful you didn’t end up like the mannequin.” She made a hanging noose gesture.

“Frustration is part of life.” Polydora glared at her companion. “Come on. The rest of the girls are waiting.”

We headed out, making our way through the stadium as Kelly and I got a series of catcalls from the large audience of wolves that seemed to have stayed around far past the normal practice time.

Blushing, I put Kelly’s arm through mine properly as we walked, opening the door of a stretch limo that pulled up for her.

As I swung the door open, I was met by a cabin filled with my mates and the dragonettes.

“So, this is how people go to a fae party?” I asked, feeling out of my element.

“A party where the entire park is shut down with security surrounding it and magic to block satellites? Yes, we roll in with limos and make it look like some sort of extravagantly wealthy party. But it’s extravagant anyway, so it’s not hard.” Jadelyn rolled her eyes.

“Extra extravagant.” Yev agreed. “Picture a movie with a billionaire and then triple it.”

“It’s all made with magic, though.” Polydora clarified. “Both queens will be in attendance, which is incredibly rare. And they will be drawing power from the faerie directly. It will almost be an extension of the faerie itself.”

I started getting both anxious and excited. I hadn’t felt this way since I’d first entered the paranormal community. There was so much I didn’t know, and so many possibilities.

“Sounds like a blast. And I’ve got my instructions. Don’t say things thrice and don’t let a nymph get in my pants.” I smiled, knowing I’d get a reaction.

Sure enough, all of them gave me glares.

“Yes, that would be good.” Scarlett drawled, drawing my attention to the kitsune. She was wearing a particularly lovely blue dress that made her orange curls distractingly vibrant. “I have accepted that you have a harem. There is no need to cheat on all of us with some nymph floosie.”

The rest of the girls were clearly in agreement.

I gave her a warm smile, letting her see me appreciate her body. “Did you say something? I’m a little distracted.”

I let hunger fill my eyes, quickly reciprocated in hers. She moved towards me, but Jadelyn grabbed her arm, giggling. “Easy, girl. There’s no room in here for him to go all dragon, mate.”

“You will be protected. There will be a dragon with you at all times.” Polydora declared. “Rules of hospitality do not allow us to act against a fae for simple glamor, but we can drag you away or break the glamor ourselves. We will also be on the watch for tricks.”

“Thank you.” Jadelyn reached over Scarlett and patted Polydora’s leg. “I feel better knowing that you all are watching over him.”

My siren was wearing a pretty teal number that hugged her hips and ended at her shins with a flare.

All of them were dressed to perfection. I noticed that the metallic dragons all went with the same style of dress as Polydora, only made out of their own metals.

The chromatic dragons were a little more varied, but they all wore full length dresses of their color. Although Chloe’s was more sheer cutouts than fabric.

All of them accented themselves with gold jewelry to match me subtly.

Morgana was wearing a red velvet Dress, complete with a corset. She reached into it at that moment and pulled out a flask. “Anyone need something to take the edge off?” She took a sip from the flask.

“Gimme that you damned Blueberry.” Kelly held out her hands eagerly.

“This might be too strong for you, Furball.” Morgana held it out halfway.

“Shut it.” Kelly snagged it and took a shot from the flask. As soon as the liquid touched her tongue, her eyeballs popped wide and held it out as she coughed. “What the fuck is that?”

Larisa grabbed the flask and took a sniff before sipping it. “Shit. That’s strong. Shojo whiskey?”

Morgana nodded. “It takes some magically infused alcohol to affect most of us.”

I held out my hand, but Polydora pushed it down. “My king, you will be toasted and cheered by many of the fae with fae wine. I would suggest you abstain from drinking until then.”

Frowning at her, I paused for a moment before holding off. Last thing I needed was to be smashed before we arrived.

The girls passed the flask around, and I noticed that those without enhanced healing turned it down. I’d just have to get a sip another time.

But I enjoyed the effects of it across the group. The girls loosened up, giggling and dancing around as rolled through town.

We chatted idly until the limo came to a rolling stop. Only then did I look out the tinted windows at the party in a valley of the park.

My jaw dropped and nearly hit the floor.

The only words that fit it were magically extravagant. The entire park was lit up by floating lights that seemed alive as they moved and danced around. They swirled around floating crystal chandeliers, splashing the light down among the patrons.

All partygoers were dressed up, dripping with jewels and perfectly tailored clothing.

“Those are will-o-wisps. Minor fae that don’t do much more than float around people and take sips of people’s alcohol.” Scarlett pointed to one that came down and drank from a cup that had been left unattended at a table before wobbling back up to dance among the chandeliers.

As I followed her flight, I realized that one chandelier was different. At one end of the party was an absolutely enormous chandelier that wound over part of the celebration like a giant serpent.

“I’m going to guess that’s where the important people are.” I said.

“Most likely.” Morgana agreed.

“By the way, how the hell are we hiding this from the normals?” I continued to be awed by the display.

“You were eyeing all the girls instead of the road.” Scarlett snickered. “There was a police blockade just outside the park, and I’m sure there are wards in the woods to keep any adventurous kids out.”

I nodded, glad that I could enjoy myself and not worry about paranormals being outed.

A line of servants stood nearby, and two of them peeled off the group to approach our limo.

One opened the door, and the other waved their hands. With their motion, a rug rolled out of their sleeve and made a path between the car and the party below.

“Name?” the servant asked, holding the door.

“Zach Pendragon.” I spoke up from further up the limo.

The servant did a double take and looked into the limo to see me. “Of course.” He did a quick about face and snapped twice at the line of servants. His jaw moved, but I couldn’t make out what he said.

Whatever he said had the entire line of servants peeling off, leaving the limo behind us waiting.

Fae magic swirled, and the plain red carpet turned to gold, expanding and filling in with flying dragon motifs around the edges.

Lights stretched out overhead, illuminating the area like it was broad daylight, and a brief splash of fireworks in the shape of a gold dragon went off above us.

The line of servants pulled out nearly a full orchestra and cut right into a dramatic, upbeat fanfare.

“Uh… what the fuck?” I commented, watching the completely overdone welcome.

“Welcome to fae extravagance.” Jadelyn patted my knee, preparing herself to exit the limo..

Each lady was helped out of the limo by a waiting servant amid the music that was turning heads as the party nearly stopped to watch them parade out and down the gold carpet into the party.

Not that I blamed them. My ladies were stunning as they walked the carpet down to the party.

When it was my turn, I was surprised to see Maeve waiting for me with her elbow out. “Surprise.” She said with a winning smile.

The Fall Lady was wearing what looked like an odd cross between a military uniform and a dress, complete with a big, silk, blue bow tied around her waist that caught the will-o-wisp light that was dancing amid the party.

“Very surprised. You must have won Scarlett over if she let you walk in with me.” I replied, getting out last and taking her arm amid the servants that backed away from her, watching with wide eyes.

After stepping out of the car, I noticed the fae working together were split. They either had a natural, yet tan skin tone and vibrant hair or they had varying degrees of blue tone to their skin and subdued pastels for their hair, which came in a multitude of colors.

“Are you uncomfortable?” Maeve asked. Her arm was a little chilly to the touch, but I tapped into my silver dragon abilities, and I didn’t notice it again.

“Not at all. I’m quite resistant to the cold. I am a little surprised at you taking me into the party and all the opulence.” Knowing we may not have another moment alone during the party, I added. “By the way, in my fae crash course, I learned the significance of you apologizing thrice.”

“Mmm” Maeve hummed, giving some time for us to pass the last of the servants and making our way down the winding carpet down to the party. It gave us a moment of privacy. “You didn’t react initially. I suspected you might be unaccustomed to our ways.”

“Now that I know, it seems you owe me a favor.” I smiled.

She nodded. “Though until you call on that favor, I must do my best to protect you. Because of that, I’d ask you not to call in the favor.”

“Why? Does it require this compulsion to be on my side?” I asked, wondering again how much of her recent behavior had been a result of the compulsion that would follow the thrice apology.

It was Maeve’s turn to be surprised. “You’d… trust me that much?” She frowned, as if thinking through it for some trick.

“So far, your support amid the council and with Maddie’s vampirism, none of those were part of that compulsion, were they?” I pushed further to understand her.

“No. Only to protect your person.” She replied quickly.

Which meant all the times she’d helped me had been of her own volition. I was happy that it wasn’t part of a compulsion from apologizing three times.

“Then I would say you’ve earned my trust, if not my friendship.” I stated plainly. Even if she had some ulterior motive, she had gone out of her way to help me.

Until she proved otherwise, I would trust her.

“Interesting.” She seemed to have trouble processing my statement. “Then I am a friend of the dragon king?”

“Are you trying to get me to say it thrice?” I raised an eyebrow and thought through the implications of such a thing. It wasn’t binding, such as a promise, instead cementing a relationship. One that would certainly benefit both of us.

Realizing there was no harm in it, I pushed forward. “Maeve, lady of the fall, is my friend and as both Zach Pendragon and the dragon king, I accept your friendship.”

There was a small tingle as something passed between us.

Maeve’s eyes went wide. “You should not give things like that away so easily.”

“It wasn’t easily. We have been helping each other in the council for some time, and you have helped me personally on several occasions. We have built this over a period of time.” I explained my rationale.

“Yes, well, if you don’t mind, I’ll keep an eye on you tonight. Should any fae attempt to ambush you, they will fail as they find my dagger in their back.” She paused. “My friend.” She struggled to say it, and I suddenly wondered just how many friends she had.

“So what sort of surprises are in store for me, besides the welcoming fanfare?” I asked, hoping for some spoilers.

Maeve pointed to the long, winding chandelier. “You will be given that as a gift when you head out. My mother made it as an apology, but she doesn’t understand you beyond that you are a dragon, so she is trying to make up by giving you something of high value. If you understand it is an apology, you can try to get two verbal ones from her and when you accept it, name it for what it is. Another apology.”

I raised my brow. “That would indebt her to me. Also, I imagine she’ll be furious.”

“Oh, she most certainly will smash many things upon her return. But she will calm down. And by the time you see her again, she will respect your guile.” Maeve coached me. “Plus, it will protect you both by having her aid, and it being publicly known.”

“Your advice is a grand gift. I’m glad we had this moment.” I said, somewhat dreading the bottom of the carpet as dozens of expectant fae looked up at me.

Maeve smirked. “Yes. As I have gained your friendship, it is the least a friend could do. Now, get ready. You are about to be the center of attention.” She warned, a cheerful facade falling over her face as she glanced out emotionlessly across the crowd.



so was Taylor the werewolf in previous books ? or where did she come from. Im just thinking that if Itka wants to further her plans for flooding the world with a dragon army without violating the no attack agreement a good way would be to use her magic to get close enough to to get some "ingredients" for H's potion

vardic d

No Taylor is new, Tiff was the previous werewolf under Kelly, and the one that caused problems that ultimately ended up with Zach going dragon and fighting the pack and putting Kelly in as the new Alpha. The previous chapter mentioned that [Tay]lor was one of the new wolves to come into the pack from elsewhere, and was strong enough to knock heads around, so she ended up as head bitch under Kelly. I'm reasonably sure werewolf pack could tell a fake wolf from the real thing. I don't think a Fae could fake the pack magic connection, though I have no way of knowing for sure. From previous chapter: Pretty sure Taylor will wait outside.” “The new head bitch?” I asked. Kelly had stopped holding both positions when a new girl came in and was tough enough to knock some heads around when problems happened among the girls.


So, are any of the fae totes gonna feel the power of the spider queen? He did eat it and it did resonate during the duel?