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“We are out of time, and I need to go join the others getting ready for tonight.” Amira ended our little class.

I stretched while I processed what she’d just said, looking for the trick. She’d been testing me all class, and now I was dissecting every single word.

But there was no trick. “Alright, I look forward to seeing you ladies tonight.”

Getting up, I headed out, but she followed me out and lingered by my side.

I started heading towards Kelly by sensing my mark on her, but Amira stayed by my side instead of running off to get ready.

She was quiet as she walked, but she still stood tall. Amira was like a soldier walking into battle most of the time. At the moment, she gave a more pensive feeling, but you could tell she was ferocious deep down.

“Why haven’t you taken any of us… dragonettes to bed yet? We are clearly interested in joining your harem. Many other dragons would have conquered us and added us to their numbers.”

I made sure no one was listening before I answered. “It isn’t about conquering you girls. Besides, I know next to nothing about you.”

“You know both of my parents.” She stated bluntly. “That should put me ahead of the others.”

Rubbing my forehead, I could tell that she needed answers. And if she was being direct, I could do the same. “I need to get to know you. There needs to be feelings shared between us before I’ll make a move on any of the dragonettes. If you are keeping score, Trina is in the lead.”

Amira’s eyes went wide. “Trina is going to win?”

“There isn’t winning or losing. But I know her better than any other dragonette, and I like her. Even then, it’s only been two weeks. I didn’t mate with Jadelyn until I’d known her for almost a semester. Scarlett and I had been dating for almost half a year before I marked her.” I sighed when Amira’s face was expressionless. “The point is, I need to know you. I won’t take somebody to be a mate and then forget them. If we’re going to spend our long lives together, I need to make sure that’s the right thing to do for myself, the other person, and my other wives. That takes time.”

She nodded along. “By this explanation, it would put the succubus and the lady of fall ahead of the dragons.”

“Yeah, maybe.” I said carelessly.

“What about me? Where am I?” She asked.

I winced. We really hadn’t spent much time together. We’d had a few classes together, but that was the extent of our bond so far. “It is probably best I don’t start making this a literal race and giving everyone positions.”

Amira sighed. “So I’m last.”

“No, not at all.” Although if I told her the truth, she wasn’t near the front.

“My mother will be so disappointed. After you appointed her to speak for the black dragons, she wanted to offer me to you, yet you keep ignoring me.”

“So is this a dragon thing? I help her and she offers up her daughter to me?” I asked.

Amira nodded. “Yes, but it is also a little selfish on her part. You are the dragon king and connections to you are beneficial to her. But regardless of your status, this is commonplace, like trading a daughter to another king in return for some favor.”

That seemed highly archaic.

My silence proved to get my disapproval across.

“You disapprove. But it is the way of things.” She shrugged.

“But what do you want?” I tried to pick through her views to the heart of it.

Amira bobbed a little with her steps. “It would be an honor to mate with the dragon king.”

Nothing about her own feelings, and nothing specific to me. “So, if I were to thank your parents for your service as an honor guard and send you back with the promise of a favor for your parents, what would you do?”

She frowned at me. “I would return to them. You would have dismissed me and they would earn a favor out of it.” Then she looked down at the ground. “Is that what you are going to do? Have I upset you in some way?”

“Then you don’t want me to send you away?” I tried to push her towards a decision.

“It would be the right thing for me to accept such an offer. But I do not want to.” She stated firmly.


“Because I want to mate with the dragon king.” This time she said it a little more forcefully, causing a few passerbys to look at the two of us strangely.

I gave her a small scowl and kept us moving before we drew too much attention. “Thank you for saying it, but maybe we keep more vague for the sake of the ears around us. But you should know that to mate with me, it cannot be out of a sense of duty. You should feel something towards me.”

“I feel lucky to be a potential mate to the dragon king.” She said as a frown shifted into a smile.

“No. To Zach Pendragon. Not just the dragon king, but to me. Listen, think about it and talk to some of the girls. We can talk later tonight at the party. I have to go visit one of my mates.”

“But, you need your honor guard.” She protested.

A quick glare from me shut her up.

“No, I don’t. Besides, I’m going to be in the middle of a wolf pack with my mate, the alpha. It will make no difference if I have my honor guard. Besides, didn’t you need to get ready?”

She wrinkled her nose but nodded. “Please call us if there is any trouble.”

I nodded. With the pack, there was always some sort of trouble, but it was typically something more rambunctious that Kelly would step in to stop. Nothing concerning.

Amira eventually faded off, and I continued my trek up to the stadium. Football season was over, so they were currently in spring training and would soon get into summer training.

I picked up my pace, eager to get to Kelly. We hadn’t spent much time together recently. I’d been busy with the dragon king business, and the popularity of the pack and their expansion had kept Kelly incredibly busy as well.

By the time I got to the stadium, practice was going on as usual, but this time the first few rows of the stadium were loosely filled with werewolves cheering on those on the field.

The pack had more than doubled in size, maybe even tripled, but it was hard to tell at a glance.

Kelly was talking with some girls, many of whom were showing baby bumps. It had been a little more than four months since the beta wolves had access to H’s concoction, which allowed them the ability to impregnate their partners.

As I walked through, a few of the wolves on the field and stands noticed me.

Howls broke out, one after another, like they were competing for who could be the loudest.

Kelly whirled around with a scowl, looking like she was about to shout at them, but it transformed into a brilliant smile when she saw me. “Alpha!”

The howls cut off and many of them were shouting ‘Alpha’ as it built into nearly a chant.

Kelly was beautiful as she stood up. Where some of my mates held a beauty marked by extravagance, she had an effortless girl next door feeling to her with her heart-shaped face and tight cheerleader body.

She raced across the stadium, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me tightly for a moment before jumping down and spinning at the wolves with a howl that cut through their cheering. “Shut up. I’m your alpha. He’s my alpha and only my alpha.”

“Alpha-alpha!” someone shouted, only to get hit upside the head by someone next to him.

“Get back to practice.” Kelly growled and I could feel her pull on her alpha magic and push them all to get back to it. Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the bleachers.

“Thank you.” One pregnant wolf squealed as I joined the bleachers. The others followed the lead, thanking me.

“Uh. No problem.” I scratched the back of my head and looked at Kelly for an explanation.

She rolled her eyes. “They are very happy with the current arrangement.”

“Yes. Please, sit. If there’s anything you need, just let us know. I get to have a little cub with my Ben! He’s so happy, and I just can’t stop smiling.” A pregnant wolf patted my leg.

“Please. I should be the one getting up and helping you all with anything you need. You all look so lovely.” I scratched the back of my head.

More than a few of them lovingly rubbed their bellies.

“Like those bellies? Want me to have one just like that?” Kelly teased me with a roguish grin and ran her hand above her stomach, pretending to rub a full belly.

The beast in my chest rose and demanded I try to do just that. Attraction and lust ran through me as I took in my beautiful werewolf, and I had a feeling that if Sabrina was around, she might have passed out from the sudden spike.

“Oh, he likes that, Alpha.” One sniffed in my direction. “Maybe you should leave the rest of practice to us and go spend a little time with your alpha.”

“You sure you’ll be okay?” Kelly asked the girls, but she was already moving towards me and the exit. I tried not to laugh.

A red head snorted. “They eat out of the palms of our hands now. The bitches rule this pack.”

“That’s just because we control the potion.” Another joked.

They all laughed, but it was a happy laugh. The few that didn’t have baby bumps started eyeing the men on the field.

“This is really working?” I asked no one in particular.

“Yes it is, dragon king. The pack has tripled in size and never before have they been so happy. I swear, some of these betas worship you.” A wolf answered.

“And they ALL know it is only possible because Kelly is who she is and that you are her mate.” Another clarified the statement. “Even if Kelly wasn’t so kick ass, she has all of our support. The betas won’t touch her.”

“You should have heard what happened to this new guy. He came in and tried to rally support to challenge Kelly. The way Tay described it, the betas basically turned on him as one and nearly tore him limb from limb before tossing him out onto the street. They ran him out of the state for even thinking about challenging Kelly.” The girl held her pregnant stomach as she laughed.

It was clear that the wolves were more than just happy with their situation, but willing to defend it to the extreme.

“Okay, then. Mind if I take my mate away for a little?” I asked the bitches.

“Shoo. We’ll keep them on task for practice. Get us some more ‘special ingredient’ so we can keep the betas happy.” Another hooted.

“Get some!”

“Ride that dragon!”

The girls started to cheer us loudly, making both of us blush as we hurried away.

“Those girls.” Kelly rolled her eyes.

“I think it’s cute. Unlike the other alphas I’ve seen, you are loved. Most of them are just feared.” I bumped my hip to hers.

She nodded, a slightly somber tone entering her voice. “It was the way my father led. If you make the effort to help them get what they need, it goes a long way.”

I couldn’t stand to see my alpha wolf down, so I wrapped her in a huge hug. “He’d be proud to see what you’ve done with the pack. Heck, I’m amazed at their reaction to you.”

Kelly just leaned against me as the shouts from her bitches faded into the background. “So, are you up for a little resupply for H?”

I moved from hugging her to hoisting her up into my arms. “Can’t I get a little time to talk with my favorite alpha?”

“I’m your bitch. There’s a difference.” She kissed me all the same. “Also, you should know that I’m off everything. You are at risk of putting a pup in me now.”

A heavy breath ripped itself out of me, making Kelly giggle. “Sure you just wanted to talk?”

“Oh, we’ll do more than talk in time.”

“Locker room.” She pointed to the one with the ‘girls’ sign. “The girls will give us some space. Pretty sure Taylor will wait outside.”

“The new head bitch?” I asked. Kelly had stopped holding both positions when a new girl came in and was tough enough to knock some heads around when problems happened among the girls.

“She’s a tough nut and single.” Kelly raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to respond.

“I don’t think I need anymore girls, Kelly. The dragonettes are lining up and already getting antsy that I haven’t touched any of them. Besides, after the wedding drama, I think I could slow down.”

“Wedding drama?” Kelly perked up.

“Scar will talk to you about it if you don’t know. Jadelyn and Tyrande got into a fight over the color scheme that lasted long enough. I went into my hoard to get some sleep.” And ran into that strange little gold creature, but I didn’t go into all of that. Kelly might want to go find it, and I wanted to spend time with her. I’d figure out that creature later.

Kelly let out a peel of laughter. “You ran away?”

“They wouldn’t stop fighting, and I wanted to sleep. It was a tactical retreat.” I grumped.

“The big bad dragon king running away from wedding talk. Although that was an intense first two to discuss it with. They will want to go all out. What’s the plan?”

I dead panned. “Showing up once it is all settled. Scar will talk to you.”

Kelly grinned. “I’ll stop talking about the wedding if you give me something to keep my mouth busy with?” She wiggled her eyebrows as she trailed a finger down my chest.

“Oh, is that how this works?” I kissed her lips and pulled her close, feeling her tight body rubbing up against mine.

“It is. Besides, we are about to go to a fae nympho party. We should probably try to tire you out a little.” She winked and kissed me again, grinding her pelvis into my lap.

I snorted. “You think you can tire me out? Is that a challenge?” I growled and pinned her to my lap as my hand slipped into her tight hot pants, finding no underwear.

“Oh, I might have had a heads up you were coming.” She grinned. “We girls keep in touch, even if you haven’t managed to pull us all into the same place yet.”

Nuzzling her head to the side, I growled. “Stick you all in my hoard and pump you full of little pups.”

Kelly pressed herself to me with need. “Careful what you promise, big boy.”

“Oh. I always fulfill my promises.” Launching myself off the bench, I pressed Kelly to the lockers. She groaned and hooked her legs behind me, hips tugging me closer to her.

“Don’t pussyfoot around it, Alpha.” She leaned in and whispered in my ear. “I want you. Now.”



I believe they said both elves and were wolves would basically become human during the pregnancies but that would be if it was a dragon baby which is only 50/50, but who knows maybe as he is pretty much a dragon god with all the lines those odds change

Iron Akela

One thing that struck me in this chapter - the reported size of the pack! It was 200 strong in DJ3, and it’s tripled! That’s 600+ werewolves. That’s a fucking regiment!!! Even if you exclude the bitches, that’s a LOT of furry fury combat power Zach has on tap. And if Kelly was a 10 foot tall war machine in DJ3 just pulling on 200 wolves, how big and powerful will she be while pulling on 600!!! Next to dragons, she might not be quite as strong, but to me that surely puts Kelly in the ‘heavy hitter’ category. And then some! I agree I suspect Morgana is pregnant, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Kelly gets knocked up during this book. If Jade got pregnant, the Scalewright/Fox family tradition is for Scarlet to also get pregnant. Sure being in Zach’s harem might negate the need somewhat, but I figure they would stick to the tradition. As for who will birth what, I’m thinking Scarlet will birth a gold dragon. She’s the First Mate, so that honour should be hers. And I can’t see Jade birthing anything but a gold either. It would be fitting if the Nest Matriarch Yev and Tyrande get the honour of silvers, and thus fulfilling Zach’s promise to Servile. I agree Kelly is perfect for a red… Morgana I’m not sure about. Chromatic for sure… maybe another red. And I can see most of those being male too