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I stopped writing on 6/28 for the last book and started my break, yet things were still running, but writing takes up most of my day so I did a lot of the stuff leading up to the release on the go.

We went on a little whirlwind tour with the wee one, who isn’t so wee anymore. Seriously, no one told me they got so heavy so fast. Anyway, we went and saw lots of family; I kicked my feet up and relaxed as much as I could.

I even played an entire game of Civ. Yeah… I had no idea what to do with my time.

You saw my dabbling with other ideas; it seems that I might need to iron out what I do with the post LR story. Maybe summoner MC is like beating a dead horse. But you guys loved the high fantasy, so there’s that. Both of those will probably ferment in my mind for a little while longer. Though there was another idea I didn’t get to. Eh, that’s a problem for a later date.

But I’m back to writing, Dragon’s Justice 5 is coming along. I have a ‘Story Thus Far’ that I’ll put out tomorrow. I think. It has been a journey for DJ and I needed to refresh even myself.

Thursday morning we’ll get back into DJ, resuming 2am chapters, very exciting adventure back in Philly. There are a lot of girls, but they need their time and the romance before they get to hop into the harem officially. So it’s a little bit of a juggling act. It’s working so far.

I can’t not stay busy, so while I was out I started some fun commissions while hunting for more backup artists that I don't need and a big new project.

I think. Or maybe hope. That I’ve finally got it all setup and Saving Supervillains The Manga will start production in two weeks. I’m kind of geeking out. I might have a manga adaption. *rolls on the floor in excitement*

(Not quite sure what is going on with the one I licensed out. Communication has been slow.)

Doing my own manga was a fun adventure. First, I approached artists and learned that I have no idea how to make manga. So I quietly walked away after learning some things and then I approached new artists and got what I paid for (cheap). Frustrated at struggling to find the style I wanted I flipped the table over and bought a $5 book on how to draw manga… two days later that book has been burnt and the ashes scattered liberally in the area of the yard my dog pees. I cannot draw to save my life, I have no idea why I tried that.

THEN I did what I do best and obsessively learned to become a scriptwriter and wrote SSV Volume 1’s script. Because guess what? You don’t have to draw to do that. I also discovered where the talented artists hang out. But they all ask me for character art…

So, we’ve been testing artists out by ordering B/W character art and I think I got one, they are doing the first test page for me this weekend.

As this project progresses I’ll share here, but at some point I expect to kickstarter/indiegogo the project when I have enough to do some teasers. And covers. Got to get the covers done… *puts on to-do list* Though, I’ll be honest, most of commissioning covers is staring at pretty art and picking which ones I like best for references.

Also, my wife says I’m not allowed to take ‘breaks’ anymore, all it seemed to do was spawn more projects. But I brought her past the book sections in any mall/store we strolled into and holy shit, manga has a huge footprint in them. Now she’s fully on board project SSV Manga.

Anywho, I’m back and in a pretty darn good mood if I say so myself. Let the words floweth.


Eric Bailey

If you make a Manga WITH NSFW for 18+ you just need to add a few pages to the one already being drawn for mass audiences. I would happily pay the extra $20 or more to keep the Manga as close to the book as possible. I'm 100% sure I'm not the only one either.


I was thinking about making a special addition for kickstarter or making a 1 episode magazine with the spicy bits.

Sergio flores

Yes! ....Ill pay that for (more than just) a dollar!! (Robo cop ref.!)