Update from the basement: Progress on the 8" mystery hard drive! (Video) (Patreon)
Hello my patrons! So progress is being made on the mystery hard drive. Since documentation for it has been found, I made up an Arduino shield that allows a regular Arduino Uno to talk to hard drive. I initially wrote up a test sketch that got some basic communication going, but then I've been working with patron Peter Kooiman on making the sketch much more capable. He's far better at writing code than I am, so he has put a framework together to allow us to actually query the drive and fully control it. As you can see, the drive lives!!!
I can't say for sure if the drive is actually going to be able to read and write data as we haven't gotten that far, but certainly the signs of life are promising.
The video that I released on this drive is performing really well. That is actually quite surprising to me because I thought the video was going to be a bad performing video. You just never know what hits people's interests! Because of that, a follow-up will definitely be in order. The goal of the sketch is to first see if the drive is seeking and then try to read data from the drive. Hopefully we can get a full dump to then see if we can analyze what type of system the drive was used with.
Fun times ahead!