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A coordination practice I often use in my lessons - 

Smoothen your chord transitions (no pauses), by teaching your hands to work simultaneously.

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate


In the video I demonstrate how to move from:

- The right hand Waits for the left hand to be ready


- The right hand leads, while the left hand follows, one movement at a time.

This is quite a profound shift in terms of coordination and when properly mastered, will lead to a breakthrough in your ability to transition chords and play chord progression smoothly, without pausing between the chords.

This coordination shift requires daily practice and takes some time to get used to (especially if it's new for you), be patient!


Work with me

Coordination practice is tricky.

Some people are more right hand dominant and some are more left hand dominant (regardless of weather you play a right handed guitar or left handed guitar).

Different people respond differently to different coordination "wiring systems".

In my private lessons I would often try out with you a few different methods to simply see what you respond to the best, and based on that, make you a personal practice routine.

Learn more about the lesson bundles I offer on my website, or schedule a free intake to discuss the options of working together.


Join a group

I still have 2 slots for the Australian / European group that starts on August 6th.

Learn more on my website.

Schedule an intake or Send me an email to join: shaiagmonmusic@gmail.com



Hey Shai, Thanks for the lesson. It’s amazing how simple it looks and yet how tricky for the brain.