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Hi everyone.  I hope you all are doing well.  Here is a 10ish minute gameplay video from around the middle of the game.  So, fair warning, there are some spoilers in here and it includes a zombie fight.  Now, for some silly reason I wanted to add a zombie.  This sequence does depart somewhat from the tone of the rest of the game but I thought it would be fun so I figured... What the hell.  I hope you all like what you see so far.  The gameplay you see is mostly finished but it will probably get some polishing before release.  The rest of the development is going great and we are more or less on schedule.  Thank you all again so very much for your continued support and I will have "The Factory" out to you ASAP.


En-Fem-E No. 9 "The Factory" Dec2023


Cynthia DeMarco

i've been patiently awaiting the release. so many new things to explore. will be weird to see the zombie thing but wanna see how it ties in. hopefully before xmas. love as always girl. how have ya been? you've had some challenges for sure this year

Savannah Silk

Hey there Cynthia. I've been pretty well. Thanks for asking. I hope you are doing well too. 😉 Yeah, the zombie thing is kind of an Easter Egg-ish adition to the game. I was going to make it easy to pass by if you didn't explore. But, I giggled pretty hard when I first played it through so decided to tie it into the story. 💜


Ughhh….. the wait is killing me! I’m so ready to continue the sissification of Samantha :D