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Hello everyone!  I hope you all are doing well and had a great Halloween.  I was sitting here working on a ton of renders for the game and realized I had not prepared anything for you guys to see.  So...  Here is a small clip of game play from the first half of the game.  (Something I picked at random) I don't want to spoil too much but here is "sissy lunchtime" in your character's apartment.  Your apartment conceals many secrets... Anyway I hope you all enjoy.  I am really working hard to finish off the game and as far as I can tell we are still basically on schedule.  I will keep you all informed as much as possible.  Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. And thank you all again so very much for your continued support. 💜





Thanks for the preview! Looking forward to the release! ❤️


As the woman in the old Mervyn's commercial used to say,"OPEN! OPEN! OPEN!" I'm so excited for the second part!

Savannah Silk

Ha! I had to google that one. Cute commercial. 💜 I am very excited to get part two out to you all. 💜


Looking forward to the December update!