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I am deeeeefinitely thinking about making these animations take 2 months instead of one month. I've drastically underestimated the amount of time it takes for this thing Dx I keep finding things I need to fix or re-rig, but I'm steadily making progress. I know it's been a steady thing of "This week for sure!!!" But I promise, this is the last time. I have everything fixed, and I just need to do the keyframes. No more going back on it.

I'm thankful that you all have stuck with me for this process. It's definitely fun in a lot of ways, painful in some others, but I really want this one to be good for you all. I'm sorry for the delays. I'm trying my best. I'm thinking of maybe trying to learn 3D modeling so I can do animations that way. I think that would be super fun!!! It'll just...take a while........Anyways, I need to sleep. I'm losing my mind at my pc and my back hurts like hell


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