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InflataBlair, Part 2 Of 3.

Release Date : June 26, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


InflataBlair, Part 2 Of 3.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 3 - Explosive Version



Blair kept shouting and screaming, her arms thrashing and pounding in her panicked efforts to reach behind her back. She had to pull the hose out of her butt, she had to grab the damn thing and manage to dislodge it from deep within the expanding mass of her buttocks that were getting wider, pressing around it and restricting it further in the warm embrace of her bum as it kept shooting its pressurized contents up and inside of Blair's rapidly ballooning body... 

The sight was surreal, a cartoonish scene of inflatable absurdity, with a scantily dressed multi-colored hair goth standing besides her parked vehicle with a tire hose shoved up her butt, her body expanding and widening with each passing second, her struggle to reach behind and grab it resulting in numerous screeched and squeaks from all over her bloated skin surfaces as her arms kept bumping up and down on swollen curves and expanded body parts the more she kept at it. Her moans kept mixing with the sound of aggressive hissing that not only came from the hose but from each and every hole and orifice of her body as they all leaked massive streams of pressurized air, their rubbery vessel being her body, now groaning in pressure as it was being inflated like an actual woman-shaped balloon, her few clothes now being stretched considerably around her rounding body parts. 

Blair's midsection had now pushed her leather skirt downwards and around her massively widening buttocks, the poor thing fighting for its life, as her belly was now protruding to her front like a huge exercise ball with a belly button, her inflating boobs resting on top of it like two squished basketballs, as her gigantic 3-Bs had now her t-shirt stretched around them to an incredible extent, its neck opening now being occupied by the hills of Blair's rising cleavage, while the barbwire heart imprint at the front was getting distorted to an irreversible extent...


The goth yelled right after finally managing to grab the hose that was now tightly lodged between a pair of buttocks that could only resemble skin-colored beach balls at that point, her thick legs fully bloated and thighs widened beneath her ass, her belly extending forward like a weather balloon as with her other free arm, she grabbed the roundness of its swollen surface, her fingers and palm digging deep within its soft inflating flesh and with her other arm she started pulling on the hose...


The inflating woman growled as she started pulling up the black hose, her grasp tightly around it, but to her shock and surprise it didn't budge. Screeching noises could be heard coming out of her buttocks as the thing rubber up and down on their inner swollen surfaces, lifting up her skirt as it did so, but it still kept being locked in place. All the while Blair was getting bigger and bigger, her belly now a massive blimp full of air that was at least half the width of hr own car, her breasts a pair of party balloons that were being pressed against her moaning face from beneath and her legs and buttocks a pair or swollen conical pillars full of bulges and curves, and as she kept pulling and tugging on the hose, she felt to her great horror, her grip loosening while her hands and arms started getting puffier too, and she felt the hose now slipping through her rapidly plumpening grasp...


Blair kept yelling now in utter panic as she felt hope now literally slipping away from within her fingers while her entire size was approaching something humongous. She was nearly 8 feet across, her massively swollen with air belly now almost reaching the ground and bumping against her own car at the side while the massive balloons that were now her boobs kept bumping against her struggling arm, thrashing all the best she could with the same arm that resembled an entire pig at that point, her teeth gritted in rage, her face contorted in a wide-eyed expression of angry determination as she kept doing her best not to drop the grip on the hose, but then...


The woman's screams were cut mid-sentence as her face, the last remaining place where the air hadn't yet traveled up to, now filled abruptly with it, her cheeks puffing out like softballs, her dark red lips shutting firmly and her eyes going even wider in shock, while from the air blast that hit her head her hand opened up and she lost the hose from her tight grasp...


Blair moaned through her now bloated face between the endless mounds of inflated body parts surrounding it from atop her gargantuan air-swollen form, as the last hope of stopping this absurd mishap was now a thing of the past, and all she could do was just stand there all inflating like the pressurized beached whale of a ballooning goth she had become, her horrified wide-eyed expression looking upwards in fear distress as she kept covering more and more of the gas-station's front patio the wider and rounder she kept getting...









She looks incredible, any chance there’s a popping version of part 3 😋