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Blair is now getting really... MASSIVE! 

The hose is still tightly shoved up her bum, and she starts thrashing and reaching desperately behind her lower back in her panicked efforts to grab the damn thing and pull it out before she gets any bigger! And although at some point she manages to finally grab the hose, she then faces some unexpected difficulties that will lead to some rather unpleasant results, all the while she gets rounder, wider, taller and definitely curvier as the air keeps inflating her up like the multi-colored hair goth balloon she now is!

The second part of the full body inflation sequence 'InflataBlair' that will result with Blair being inflated to at least the size of two-story high mansion, while all she initially wanted was to just check her tire pressure before driving off to attend her concert, is coming up by this weekend!

Stay tuned everyone...



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