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A Promise Is A Promise, Part 1 Of 3.

Release Date : December 26, 2020.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date! 


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 --> Coming Soon!


A Promise Is A Promise, Part 1 Of 3.


"What's the matter Melissa? Didn't you promise you'd do anything for me? I specifically remember you pointing out the word ANYTHING while you pleaded on the verge of tears... Or should i just let you go and then head over to tell George how YOU, the supposed love of his life... were fucking George's best friend Jason's brains out?!? You too lovebirds had the faces of absolute shock when i pulled my phone out and caught you in the act... I'm quite sure George would appreciate these pics soooo much, heh..."

Jane responded to Melissa's thrashing and pounding on the glass walls of the rectangular column she was trapped inside of, the sexy brunette yelling and begging Jane to let her go with all her might, but with the industrial facility being fully empty besides the two girls, no one could hear any of her protests...

"NO!!! Jane, please... This isn't exactly what i had in mind when i offered 'anything' in return for your silence... Please don't do this, i am sure we can work something more civil out since we are both responsible adults, aren't we?"

Melissa screamed and tried to reason with the wickedly smiling woman outside of the box, her palms still pressed hard on the glass sides, her entire body now kicking and punching in her futile efforts to break free of what was to come...

"Never thought of myself as a responsible person, really..."

Jane responded calmly, thinking it over a bit before resuming her phrase...

"And Jane, to tell you the truth, after what you did to George... you yourself can be called so many other things besides responsible, as well! Anyway, i really need a new gaming mouse pad, and i believe the word 'Anything' really includes me turning YOU into one if i want to... And it so happens that i do want to and a promise... IS A PROMISE!!!"


Jane said before pressing the button on the remote she was holding, a mechanical noise echoing from the top of the box, as a trap door opened above the poor Melissa, a rectangular piston slowly lowering itself inside the column from above, the sight of it making Melissa's knees start to shake and her eyes to go wide in panic before she started screaming once more...

"Nooooo!!! JANE, PLEASE! It was wrong of me!!! PLEASE!!! i only cheated on him once, i'll never do it ag--MPGRGHPH!!!?!?"


Before Melissa could finish her protests, the massive thing came down on her from the ceiling with full force, squishing the brunette's upper body into a rubbery deformed shape, as the massive metallic surface paused her pleadings and shoved her deformed and half-flattened face at the top of this new shape she was now having. Jane burst in a fit of laughs as she could not restrain herself at the way Melissa now looked, the top of her previously fit body of now being compressed into a half cube within the confinements of glass around her, her entire upper body being squished at the open gaps over her shortened thighs till her knees, her arms lowered cartoonishly in a goofy position with her palms now nearly touching the ground, and with the top of her butt cheeks now showing at the top side of this Melissa half-cube as her plastered face that occupied nearly the half of it, was looking upwards in wide-eyed shock and confusion as to the extreme weight that landed on her...

"-- ainnn... nghghghgh..."

The deformed woman murmured in a cartoonish effort to finish what she was saying before, her voice slurred and dizzy, her eyes looking around in confusion, before Jane lifted her phone and started shooting pics out of Melissa's hilarious mishap...

"Haaaahahaha!!! That looks painful, gotta admit! Though you handled it like a champ, Melissa! Besides you now being half your normal height... you girl still look GREAT!!! HAAAAhahahahaaa..."

Jane yelled in a frenzy, the woman almost getting a heart attack out of laughing out so loud while mocking the half-squashed brunette, as she still kept shooting one pic after another, this spectacle of Melissa's half-squashed body... a too rare opportunity not to have photographic evidence of...

"Enough with the shots... Ready for the second hit, Melissa?!?"


Jane said before pressing the button on the remote again, the thick tile coming down once more on poor Melissa's terrified face...



Like a piece of dough, Melissa's already deformed body, now got squished down in the glass column for yet a second time, her body parts and limbs now filling each and every available cubic inch inside the bottom of the thing, as the tile this time descended to Jane's knee level height, squishing Melissa into an almost perfect cube before it retreated back up into the ceiling once more...

"HAAAAAhahahahahaaaa!!! This gets better and better!!! Look at you, Melissa! You look like a stool! You dumb, cheating slut!!!"

Jane laughed out once more, the sight of poor Melissa's now cubed form looking indeed ridiculous, as the poor brunette was compressed to the shape of a cube with her terrified screaming and distorted face at the top side while she saw Jane getting ready to hit the remote's button for yet a THIRD time...








Hehehe~ With an attitude like that she is quite frankly earning her future~ It's anything but a mousey personality but that just means we need to make her a bit more Mousey~ . . . Not my best pun but I'm saving that for later ;p excellent work hun!~ love the expression and the detail of her body midway through getting compression~<3


Love that sequence