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The Dollifier, Part 1 Of 2.

Release Date : December 19, 2020.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


Part 1

Part 2


The Dollifier, Part 1 Of 2.

Leah walked out of her car and stared at the massive industrial facility that stood before her. She must had driven for at least 300 miles to find the location her contact had provided, literally in the middle of the dessert without a soul in sight. This was the day that she would finally turn her deepest, her most esoteric, her most exciting kink... into reality. Being trapped in this mindset from your teenage years, having the obsession of looking like an inflatable love doll, having the obsession of being all hollow and puffed up while you are being mistreated in such a helpless state, can fuel such fire and such motivation into you that you would be willing to go to extreme lengths to finally and in reality approach those sensations. And the busty raven-haired beauty was already way long past that point, as she stood there determined to finally get that rush she's being dreaming of for almost her entire life...

Leah then lifted up her phone, a message from an unknown number on the screen, stating three commands :

To Leah -

1. Enter The Facility In The Nude.

2. Approach The Dollifier.

3. Lie Face Down On The Dollifier.

She clenched her fist. There was not backing out of this now, she was going to go all the way. Leah did not question the commands, she didn't even care about how absurd the sounded, as the woman lost no time in taking off all of her clothes and stuffing them in the car's trunk before walking over to the large entrance of the building, bare-feet, with her now swaying curves bouncing up and down in the hot summer breeze before she stood by the entrance, taking a concerned look inside...

"Hello...? Anyone there?"

She said confidently, as her eyes started taking in the interior of this place. Several heavy duty machines were laying still on the sides as it was apparent that this was a construction facility, but her eyes paused and went wide at one specific item in the middle of the main corridor. Without receiving any sort of answer, Leah then started approaching the thing, her nude feet flapping on the cement floor as the lettering engraved at the sides of its metallic sides, left no more room for doubts in her mind...

"Wow... So, it's true... The Dollifier!"

Leah mumbled in excitement as she stood over the massive bed shaped piece of steel, her face now shinning with glee in anticipation. The Dollifier was like a mattress, a massive piece of steel with its name engraved in pinkish purple lettering to its sides, but what really made Leah's mouth open in awe, was the curvy-woman shaped hole that was carved on its top side, no more than a centimeter deep, but with its outline clearly indicating some of the features she had been always fantasizing the perfect shape of blow up doll to have. Thick and wide bottom curves, breasts the width of dinner plates, hands and feet shaped like cute little doll limbs...

"SSSsss... So cold..."

Leah hissed and cooed, lust now leading her every move as she climbed the steel bed, her fingers feeling its edges and every inch of its surface, her womanly parts already moist at the prospect of what was about to follow. She then remembered the final command and she started slowly and carefully laying down, within the doll-shaped outline in a face down position, each touch of her body parts with its hard cold surface giving her shivers but without the slightest of hesitation, and when Leah was sure that she was perfectly aligned and in place, she placed her face down on the head hole and everything went quiet...

"This is it...this is it!"

Leah kept whispering through clenched teeth, but the woman waited and waited without anything ever happening. Minutes passed, 5 becoming 10 and Leah was starting to loose hope. Maybe this was all a fraud, she thought. Maybe she was being secretly filmed from a hidden corner so as to be ridiculed afterwards or even worse... blackmailed! Maybe she was just a naive girl for believing that this whole ordeal could ever be true. And as the thoughts of disappointment kept merging with the dead silence around her, Leah started slowly lifting her face from the steel, her eyes sad and beaten before yelling...

"You can come out now, whoever you are! Come out all of you! Let's all laugh at poor Leah's kink now, right? Let's make fun of the dumb bitc--"


Leah started yelling, but before she was able to finish her mocking sentence, a massive steel bed the exact same size as the steel bed she was laying on, came crushing down on her from the ceiling, the two massive cylindrical pistons pushing down on its lower half, both tiles sandwiching the naked woman between them and squashing her flat!

Everything once again went silent, as the pistons kept holding down the upper tile in place, several squishy noises faintly echoing from the thin gap in-between, as abruptly and like a lightning, the top tile retreated back to its place on the ceiling and through the steams of the transforming procedure that had just taken place, a new 2-dimensional sight emerged...

Not only had Leah's body being squished to the thickness of this one centimeter thick woman-shaped hole she was laying into, but she had filled the entire hole up with her features. Her skin was shinny and rubbery, and her fingers and toes had been merged into doll-like appendages as the black haired beauty was now a flattened piece of rubber that just laid there, all plastered face down on the cold steel surface...


Several mechanical arms then shot down from the ceiling, and they all started meticulously peeling off the freshly molded, flat Leah from her flattened place on the Dollifier. One of them grabbed her right from the flattened edge of her face, pulling her head up with as it detached from the cold tile and bent upwards like a piece of rubber, the expression on Leah's face one of utter shock, with her eyes wide in surprise and her mouth widened and opened to the perfect 'O' shape, the excess of rubber material showing from within her gaping maw instead of the teeth she used to have. Two more arms grabbed her flattened arms and then all three arms started pulling the flattened doll-woman up from her squashed placement, handling her and dangling her in the air like a piece of skin-colored rubber, all her features transformed and shinny at the light that was coming in from the industrial sized windows of the warehouse. Leah's boobs had been squashed to a pair of widened discs to her front, her nipples like two pieces of pink plastic, her pussy highlighted by an extra rubbery outline, the lips on it pink and shinny like every other feature on her dollified form. But he most impressive was her belly button, now fully transformed to a plastic inflation valve like that one would find in each and every ordinary inflatable...

Leah could not speak, she could not move either. She was being handled around and her eyes kept darting around, observing her transformed features in awe, not being able to think, not being bale to process the fact that she had been finally transformed to the one thing she always wanted to be, even though she was flat and floppy, but it was at that moment, as if the last of the mechanical arm that carried an air hose had somehow heard her thoughts, came and shoved the spewing thing right inside of Leah's open navel valve...








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