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Lura finally got to the sweet carrots :)

Now I’m working on art for the last fifth scene, and after its creation I’ll finally start creating full-fledged animations with incidental integration into the game engine!


Лура наконец добралась до сладкой морковки:)

Сейчас занимаюсь артом по последней пятой сцене, и после ее создания наконец начну полноценное создание анимаций с попутной интеграцией в игровой движок!


Lura kom äntligen till de söta morötterna :)

Nu jobbar jag på konst för den sista femte scenen, och efter att den skapats ska jag äntligen börja skapa fullfjädrade animationer med tillfällig integration i spelmotorn!



Gấu Con

She is so sexy. Can't wait to do naughty things.

Randy Fox

hey, don't worry, I'm open to any criticism! and I’ll hasten to reassure you, although not right away, but there will definitely be content with Lisa! She has a very important role here😏 By the way, I'm sure you'll definitely like the other characters, hehe)